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Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 06/06/19 Now Heresy Free!* Reply To: Hobby Weekender 06/06/19 Now Heresy Free!*



The R & R is going well. Chilling now after house work. My legs are kinda killing me after the gym ystrerday. My to do list now has very very little so that means hobby. Just chilling after the house work watching MetalJesus and Beatemups on youtube. Gonna kick into hobby soon, but will be flitting back and forth between eating, coffee and video games. So small bursts. Pictures of my work stations to follow.

My pledge:

 Finish my Hellbalsters x5
 Finish my Primaris Captain x1`
 Work on a test Frostgrave miniature
 Work on some test Space Marine miniatures for a Charcarodons army
 Prime some Primaris models
 Assemble and gap fill Primaris models
 Do some basecoats on my Chaos Marines
 Cook some home made chips and home made fried chicken for lunch later

I think that is it, for now. The girlfriend finished assembling her Chainrasps for AoS last night. Also gifted her half a Carrion Empire set I picked up so now she has more and different undead.

Answers to Questions

1. I think they are highly for starting armies, converting minis, doing a more inspired version of the same army, creating role play game characters, npcs and campaigns. None have made me get an army as such as the minis and story influence that. The art kind of enhances what I already want to do but that is just me. Lots of Golden Daemon entries have been based off artwork too. I still want it in 28mm.

Do you want a list of examples or pictures? Off the top of my head the following are fantastic:

 The current Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual
 The 3rd edition 40k Rulebook
 The artwork on the ooooooold Horus Heresy card game
 The Inquisitor Rulebook*
 The Mordheim Rulebook*
 All of the Privateer Press Warmachine and Hordes books
 Forge World Imperial Armour books – beautiful graphic design

*Particularly this stuff in miniature form is what I wanted.

2. Bit of a tangent and a rant here at points. Painter, Gamer, Collector in that order from ratio level. Not sure what the ratio is. And it does change. I am a collector of stuff though: computer games, remotes, transformers, pop vinyls, and action figures. Some moreso than others.

I prefer casual with friends. I am sick of tournaments where people have games run long, abuse army books, play armies that break the game and the spirit of it, mathammer, waac gamers, and a lack of the spirit of the hobby in general. Very not fun. And some games clubs annoy me with how crowded, smelly, hot and disorganised they can be. The logisitcs of travelling to them have become a pain, and at certain conventions the cliques that have developed makes it kind of hard to relate to in some player circles. Especially when a convention is run by say a student gaming body with a bunch of immature and unprofessional (I am paying to be there) jackasses in their early 20s (for the most part)

I do a mix of block colours and just right. To me I am happy with ‘two steps above table top ready.’ If I spend any more time than that on minis when will I ever finish a collection and get to play with it..

3. It’s a house rule but would make sense for 40k. So, you can draw objective cards. What me and a friend do, is if an objective is impossible to fulfill (not very very hard to do, actually impossible) then discard it and draw another. I.e. slay an enemy character and none are left, something like that.





TIME TO PAINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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