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@robert You’ve got more balls than I do. All I’ve done is stare at my 15mm stuff! I like the mini’s. Where are they from? Often 15mm models look like Playmobil figures. That’s what kept me away for so long. Outstanding paint job, if I haven’t mentioned it in the projects section!

Should have married the woman who smoked cigars. I quit smoking eight years ago but still have cigars on my birthday in May and at Christmas… and when @oriskany comes to town! It’s like being touched by God. There’s just nothing in the world that can replace smoking… well, maybe meth.

@oriskany For anyone who knows you, there’s no need to explain your hobby pledge! For those who don’t, a mighty ‘F*ck off!’ is in order. Good to see all the Ops Center links. I have to make time for those!

@crazyredcoat I’m intrigued. Pics please!

@unclejimmy I’m thinking you’ve probably accumulated a fair sized city’s worth of Infinity terrain! Are you and Jamie still playing?

Those pugs are adorable!

@limburger Good to see you here! I like your answer to #4 lol.

Music has drifted to Lynyrd Skynyrd:

Canadian content mandated by CBC. One of those rare instances where Canadian content doesn’t suck:

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