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I take a small lie down and return to madness. I has taken me ages to even start to get caught up…awesome! Maybe this was a really bad idea after all.



All done. The two roof sections can still be removed too. Sniper heaven.

@mech82 – what does the title and the rules have anything to do with one and another? When you say, “I question your logic” what you really mean is “Hey, I am a pretentious wee choob who would rather try and pretend he/she/it/AH-64 is of greater intellect than everyone else rather than just saying “hello” and join in something new.” I can dig it. Think of it like your very first pint of beer…it will wear off. 50pts.

As high-brow as one thinks one is, one missed out one important point. It clearly says NO DICKS. The title is just to let people know we are open for business. Sometimes it might be a lyric, a book title, or just some sillyness. In this case it aslso acts as a warning. How is it ‘politically charged’?

If you “have no horse in the race” then why leave answers and make the pledge? Just like when someone says, “I have nothing against black people, but…”, you know there is ‘something’ they are not saying.

You should NEVER start a sentence with ‘but’. Not even close, but I won’t mention that. Wow. All of that in just two lines. I am quite impressed. 100pts.

It might be your lucky day! I have just emptied a whole stack of boxes that were full of 40Gay parts from at least 8 years ago. There should be a few DG bits if you want them for your projects? Just le me know and i’ll have a poke about.

No pictures? Not even a sketch? Is that the only game you play…anything non-Wacoshop?

1. I don’t even mean just that. Everyone can be a bastard if you catch them at the wrong time. Even me! No, I mean things like just how people hold themselves or how the behave when things don’t go their way. Some it goes back to the delusion of political correctness. Thought control is what that really was. Soy-boys are a perfect example of how far the rot has gotten. 10pts. (the non-stroke side isn’t smiling or it would be 20pts)

2. 100pts! When you get a new album there is very little greater. Is it good? I still remember the friday afternoon I took home a freshly pressed copy of ‘Misplaced Childhood’ and played it all night. Bliss. Well, it was until my grandmother yelled that it was time for tea!

I have a couple of Sabaton’s albums. Favourite track: Panzer Battalion. Great track to listen to when I am trying to force my old arse up a steep hill. Slayer works too.

3. That is what I mean. 50pts. I am terrible when we go anywhere with large paintings or sculpture. I stare. Unless you mean damaged people! If you do then try the self-help aisle in Waterstones and look of pale women.

4. Why nothing recent? You need to add some detail.

Not a bad start. maybe you need to take “the test”? A committee will decide.

@khusrau – see, shake the tree and all the rubbish falls out! The point is missed again by the hard-of-thinking. I have no clue what Frothers or TMP might be. I am sure you would love to tell me online, but not to my face! A perfect answer to No.1.

As for the “Ayn Randian neo-Nazi right wing nut job” bit, you will have to explain that to a cave-man like me. 50pts. I do love it when stupidity pretends to be indignation. Maybe I just tickled a nerve!

I bet you think Tommy Robinson is cool too.

You didn’t pledge either. You can’t even folow the instructions. Your models must be dreadful to behold.

As is typical with people who act on feelings before they engage their brain they make silly statements like, “Shame, I really liked BoW”. What does this have to do with BoW? You have a problem with me, not BoW. Deal with that and don’t deflect things.

@jacook – Have 1000pts you very intelligent person. If my daughter wasn’t already engaged then you might have been allowed to date her! I don’t even know who you are, but thanks. You should join in.

This is not for everyone – just like me. It is like Vegemite. You like it or you don’t. Easy as that. I loved GURPS! 50pts. I book for everything.

@cpauls1 – ah, normality! Good one. 50pts. I also tend to look for good vantage positions when out and about. I wonder what these soppy excuses would do on the wrong end of a M2 .50cal? Could I get a grant to study this if I identify as something made-up?

Nice river features. 100pts. Very impressive, but is it repressive to native people? -1000000pts.

1. Most of it is just a fad. Fashionable. Have you seen these ‘Antifa’ sex-stains? They totally missed the point. 50pts. Kids have nothing better to do and it must be hard living with your parents when you are 33!

2. YES! 100pts. Do you get anything back? It makes a change.

3. Did he suffer for his crime? I would have made him a sandwich from your injury. (slurp) 30pts. I did see a picutre from some Apocalypse game where a company of Dreads was ‘represented’ by 12 cans of Coke.

4. Harpoon? That was madness. I have been tempted to try the PC version though! I know what you mean. Abstraction is different, but so many games copy the Wacoshop model. Rules = selling minis.

How far is your drive to work now?

@elessar2590 – I have never heard of her. Is it worth looking her up or is she some hatchet-faced old boot? 50pts. Nice reply by the way. Well within the rules.

I never mentioned politics at any point. Some soy-boys came in starting trouble…that sounds like the start of a good joke! Come on everyone – add your own punchline. I’ll go first. “These two soy-boys came in starting trouble…someone in the corner sneezed and they both pappered their dacks.” Boom boom.

1. I don’t care what you did with your Donga. Dirty beast. 30pts if you have some pictures. 50pts for a video.

I didn’t know you are a law student. Tell us more. My son was a law student too.

Where that was recorded, do they not have tazers or big dogs?

2. I have always dreamed about playing in one of @oriskany‘s games. He sent me a thing this week to join his group and I hope to join in at some point. How long do you have left at Uni? Which Uni is it?

3. No basically! It means nothing. However, I know what you mean about fake martial artists. I got started young…Judo at 8. It is a good job I got into Wing Chun now that I have had a few strokes. I am also a 32 year Kenjutsu practitioner.

Never done any TKD though. Lots of other things, but never that. I have a things about kicking. You never need to kick anyone above the waist. Clackers and knees are all you need to hit. I am very impressed at your black belt. 100pts. It takes some doing to get that far. Have you ever seen Ashida Kim?

I am not sure about the ‘non-contact’ bit. I have staggered home before and woke-up almost unable to stand. Great fun and I would do it all again. Are you into conditioning?

We have run a few clubs over the years and had plenty of “two-can Van Dammes” come in looking for trouble. Derek likes to play with them. Derek was a Legionnaire and pretty tough.

4. I get that. Frosty minis suck when they are supposed to be fighting in the desert! 50pts. Every tried airbrushing varnish?

Paras rule. An excellent pledge too. Pictures appear to be missing…

@doctorether – another hard of thinking plank! That was the title. Others have been “…1,2,3,4,GO!”, which is a tribute to the Ramones. I quoted words from ‘Jerusalem’ by William Blake and D.W. Dick too. They had nothing to do with what happens on this little thread. I did want to start a Nazi appreciation society, but I couldn’t get enough leather boots for everyone!

What part of this are you having trouble with?

I also mean that I don’t want SJW’s and soy-boys ruining the atmosphere with their constant whining about their feelings and pronouns. You are here to talk mince and play with toy soldiers. That is all. However, I did notice you want to play! Is that just to see how many more times I can trigger you and then you can play the victim? Pleased to be of service.

Of course gamers “of a certain type” are not welcome. I am a very inclusive serpent when it comes to sharing my venom. 100pts. It says clearly who isn’t welcome: NO DICKS! It is even in bold.

In here you have to prove yourself. I want to get to know those in here. Consider it reality training. 200pts. Unless you mean black/brown/foreign people?

I also don’t need to read some low IQ cuckholding conditioning from the Independent. Rather ironic name too.

Do you realise how boring wargames would be without the Nazis? Think about it.

1. You are right about it being a stage! 100pts. Did you use the name Herbert Pocket during your case? 100pts.

Are you starting to get the ‘vibe’. Just imagine you are off to defuse a bomb and it could go off at any instant. It is called “gallows” humour. Add some sarcasm and a very high intelligence – do plenty of stirring and there you have it. Shit, I stared this just talking to myself like a mental patient on day release.

2. Wow, that is not even a sentence and I take a lot of medication! 20pts. Space Hulk…nice! Great game. 50pts. However, no pledge!

3. Then you ought to look up from your phone and take in all the heavenly glory. Are they the only details in your life? No beautiful young lady who’s smile can make you stop breathing? Art?

4. So what do you play? You have to add a bit more. It is called a conversation, of sorts, and you will like it, but you do have to work at it.

Atari Teenage Riot – tasty. Great live too. 500pts. I must play a bit tonight. I worked a few gigs with Orbital, if it is the same one I am thinking of, back when I was a student. Not really my thing, but they payed very well.

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