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I will get caught up, but tomorrow I would like none of this hee-haw. Hobby stuff, hatred, and music are the only things allowed. If anyone wants to continue stroking themselves with trendy wastes of time then go and do it somewhere else. If you haven’t realised that it is all very tongue-in-cheek then you ought to try a play group or day-release. Feel free to come back when you have sort out your life. All are welcome.

@cpauls1 – I was thinking that. Trying to get his Nat-king from some judy from the arts fac. 50pts. Feminism is great, especially when you consider it’s roots. It was also a great capital gain for the patriarch, but nobody ever mentions that.

I make some PS for myself, perhaps a guest. Not for a bloody full section…including Regimental Goat. 50pts. It sounds very nice though. The idea of getting a flight to Canada might be worth the terrible aftermath! As soon as I am fit enough I will be on my way. No joke. I can bring my own equipment and live in the woods. You would never know I was ther, but your wolf would!

Also, I only really like Barvarian mustard.

Dave has an attic full of D&D, AD&D, Paladium books, Startfeet Battles, and other junk. I keep telling him to sell it, but he can’t be bothered. That is strange…we once went down to find him ripping out a water tank with his bare hands. Before I saw him it sounded like he was killing a prostitute. Turns out you can get £300 for them and he wanted a FW Bio-Titan.

I should take a picture next time I am down there.

I also wanted to know what a donga is. I thought it night be rude. Some dirty stuff i’ll bet. They are weird down-under. True. A good friend of mine used to live over there as a child. His dad is a professor of something at Durham and has written stuff about land rights and a great book about Uluru. He even lived in some outback places with the “black fellas”*. That would have been amazing! [* that is just for our Aussie friend to laugh at] Anyway, they are really racist down there…Ayres Rock is just a huge pile of dead locals with a sheet over the top! No worries!

Isn’t feminism all about making my tea and ironing those shirts? I would put any ‘feminist’ against my grandmother. Short, but interesting fight. Any bets?

Who let my mother have a crossbow? Awesome mini. Who doesn’t love Minotaurs?

@elessar2590 – if you can’t then I can send you some! Being one of us has it’s perks. What size should the jack-boots be? A long while ago @cpauls1 suggested badges. I might have a look into that. Maybe silver lightening bolts? No, seriously about the badges. Patches too. No charge for anything, but it will have to be earned.

What is a DONGA? Remember, snowflake alert.

@doctorether – my assistant doesn’t like horses! 30pts. We have just been out now that it is cooler…

Molly after late night walkies - chasing lill

Lola is passed out so no picture. Mollie is a great assistant.

I REALLY love those Terminators. 100pts. Have you painted the ‘throne’? If Dave heard you use “thick coat of paint” he would turn proper Hulk and he doesn’t have far to go. He paints in heaps of thin glazes!

I love me!

This is Dave posing. You wouldn’t think it, but this guy paints like a angel. Those muscles are all natural too.

I was really starting to warm to you and you have to say, “Really the problem is polarisation of the discussion and the loss of the ability to talk and sit along that spectrum.” Last chance to stick to the rule. NO DICKS. When it says ‘firms’ that means you have to stick with it. It can be confusing when you enter the world of adults, but better to try the simulator first. The problem is that you/people start to believe all of this crap. You might as well quote the lyrics of Katy Perry…just as meaningless.

@oriskany – fashionably late as usual. Close to AWOL though. 20pts. I hope you have had a nice week? How is the missus? I have joined Twitch – do I have to do anything else. I had to use another name too.

You go for it, brother! What bothers you?

1. Boom…roasted! I still don’t ‘get it’ about always looking at a phone. Every three seconds too. I think they need to be studying the opening lines to “Tomorrow Never Knows”. 100pts. Oh, I forgot. If it isn’t original then it can’t be worthy of attention? I get it. Maybe that is why the “youth” are so useless?

2. I will never, ever catch-up. 50pts. I will try. I will also try and join you on sunday if Heather ever decides to tell me what her plans are.

For anyone new to OTT this guy rules.

3. You are so autistic I can smell it! 500pts. LoS is always a pain in games. Infinity and FoF seem to have few problems with that. I suppose the scale issue is just one of them things.

4. RTS are not for me either. 20pts. I don’t get the card game thing either. Jamie used to play YGO at organised events, but it was never for me. I never got into real card games either. I know three.

Dave plays the Battlefleet Gothic on Steam and loves it. It is just too much for me. It looks awesome all the same.

@robert – so what is in the shed? I’ll take a few snaps of our garden tomorrow. Your’s is really blooming! 100pts. Ours is full of cats and frogs.

Equality was just allowed to get another percentage of the population to pay tax!

I guess the thesis must have been 2.2 material! 70pts. Must try HARDER.

You should see the size of @cpauls1 back garden…

Ever seen ‘Day of the Triffids’? Movie not TV rubbish. If anyone is from anywhere further than Glasgow they will struggle with anything past the spuds. Then you will have to fry it. Glasgow rules. Scotia ya ‘bas!

Salad cream…oh, how common. The back of my hand is against my forehead as I try not to swoon. 50pts. I love it in eggy sandwiches.

@mecha82 – you are still forgetting a few things. No pay = no play. Seriously.

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