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Reply To: 15mm, 20mm, 28mm, GO! (UJWC)

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion 15mm, 20mm, 28mm, GO! (UJWC) Reply To: 15mm, 20mm, 28mm, GO! (UJWC)



They don’t have a monopoly in shops, in the same way Levi, Dr Martins, Nike, Addias and a myraid of other companies don’t have monopolies in their respective markets. Owning your own retail chain does not make you a monopoly.  And the rest of what you typed has no relevance to whether GW is a monopoly or not, which is the point I’m addressing.  I can suggest some primers in economics if you wish, if you actually want to learn some microeconomics and theory of the firm.

Anyway, probably better I stick to posting pictures of toy soldiers, music and my garden, a much better use of my time.


One problem with mixing different ranges tanks, they aren’t all the same size!  PSC Stug is noticeably smaller than the Battlefront version.



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