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Hello everybody, I’m back again to put a load of my own material here for the moneyshot of stickies (notes, missives or general entries if you will).

  1. I watch dark films for the general phantasmagoria and unnatural which is the reality seperate from our day to day experience in a sort of xenophilia (i.e. HERESY!!!). The weird, macabre or “other” is something to look upon and analyze for the similarity in order to hold up a black mirror to one’s self (yeah, I like thatbseries too). Some of the scariest shit you can sit to watch is true cosmic horror where humanity, in all its insignificance, just happens to bump into the things of our nightmares. The Alien IP does a pretty good job in opening that can of worms and hitting the nail on the head with and our Uncanny Valley discomfort with children and robots. “The Void” cuts deep into the Cthulhu mythos as a random CoC experience that makes people out to live in a benthic zone where all we really have is each other in a way similar to “Silent Hill”. Just having seen “Midsommar” yesterday, and the introduction to the term “folk horror”, I’d say that the relationships we tend and our connections to the community we live in are underlying points of anxiety we overlook but feel in our primal minds.
    I enjoy some films for the sense of empathy with the protagonist or lead roles in these kinds of features that might otherwise be deemed ‘mad’ on sheer simple human emotion. “Quills”, “Perfume, The Story of a Murderer”, “The Cell”, “Watchmen” and “Taxi Driver” are great plunges into raw emotions. I look forward to the upcoming Joker film with mixed emotions but remain hopeful. More often than not, good dark films are a hit with me. After a while I might need to watch some bright and shiny anime to bring back my sense of color appreciation.
  2. When I see new miniature I think if it looks cool. First and foremost my sense of aesthetics must be appeased. If it does so I think about what the finished paint might look like and what basing options would work. It all falls to building something. I find myself at present with more display bases on hand than miniatures to set on them.
  3. What I am going to do in the future for today is get dressed, attend to some personal grooming, drop off some cast iron to a friend of mine, pick up glosscoat for my models and then keep building my Orktober piece for next month.

Keeping up on the weather and an ear out for oriskany’s sitrep not game related I might put something together should his hobbying be affected.

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