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Reply To: Orktober 2019 WAAAAAGH!

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Detail view of the base for my figure. So far so good. I’ve just tested out the Tamiya Panel Line Accent Color on the area between boards on the base after glosscoat sealing it and I report to you that it is alot thinner than the GW shade washes. Nuln Oil has a higher surface tension and pools in recesses more than this stuff leaving the ever irritating tide mark of shades area. The panel liner wicks quickly into recesses and flows readily, if you put on enough, from one channel to the next. It is petroleum based as you can smell the product readily after putting it on. If you want to remove the excess use mineral spirits (white spirits for you Euro type persons; A/NZ no idea what you call it). I plan on using it after sealing the figure once I’m done detailing as the details are intricate. I believe that this will become a staple of my materials as it not only works well for fine detailing but there’s a metric butt ton in the bottle that will last for some time.

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