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Reply To: Warhammer Fantasy Battle….'returns'??

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Warhammer Fantasy Battle….'returns'?? Reply To: Warhammer Fantasy Battle….'returns'??



The main problem with WFB financially was that players already had armies to use. Explode the old-world, wait a few years for enough players to dump their armies, then bring it back : players need to buy armies again! 😉

More seriously, while I’m excited about this announcement, obviously it’s a little soon to tell exactly what it’s going to bring. Are we talking new ruleset? If so, hopefully it’ll still be along the lines of previous editions.

Most of all I’d love to see GW releasing new figures (dwarf warriors please!), though I can imagine this may well be more of a ‘back-burner’ project without the resources for new plastics – possibly Forgeworld resins, but the market is already pretty full with alternative models in resin, and I haven’t always been impressed by FW’s sculpts.

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