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Cult of Games Member

I don’t think we’re likely to see WFB re-appear in 28mm form. Although GW “could” just re-release the old plastics and a new set of rules, it’s just too large a range (and stores would need 1/4 more shelf space). It would also be a range that GW would have to supply and support for multiple years if it was to come back.

What’s more likely is a “limited” release box set (like Betrayal at Calth), or a game that would need a smaller store footprint (like Necromunda). I was pretty sure it was going to be a Mordheim reboot, as it fits the above criteria until I saw the map (and more importantly the icons). I’m not that much of a Loremaster when it comes to the World of WFB, but it’s interesting to note the Empire icons spawned over areas of the map where the other races normally live (like elves). Although the coat of arms might be elvish for all I know.

But I think it’s pretty certain to expect this isn’t going to be a new “core” range from GW, more something along the lines they have been doing with the reboots of other GW games (it might be a new version of Mighty Empires for all we know). I’d LIKE it to be a Mordhiem reboot, but early signs indicate it doesn’t seem to be going that way (and GW already have Warband games). All we know is square bases, but Warmaster had rectangular, Epic had square (later “strips”), so even earlier games from GW that didn’t feature square bases could be in the running.

Personally I think GW are going to keep us in the “dark” for as long as possible. After all the idea of WFB coming back might make a gamer pause before investing in another fantasy rank and file game (like Conquest, funny how the GW news leaked at the same time it launched). After all if there’s one thing GW can’t be beaten at it’s marketing when it comes down to this hobby.

But I’m going to go with a smaller scale Empire vs Empire box set, with rules similar to Warmaster (ie a smaller rulebook than WFB). IF it does end up as a Mordhiem reboot, save your pennies now, as if Necromunda is a sign of things to come expect a book, tactic cards, dice etc to be released with every warband (following the Necromunda model).


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