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Reply To: [unofficial weekender] Hay.. hay.. hay…. HATSCHI Hayfever.

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion [unofficial weekender] Hay.. hay.. hay…. HATSCHI Hayfever. Reply To: [unofficial weekender] Hay.. hay.. hay…. HATSCHI Hayfever.



From the previous thread @woldenspoons


Hey man,


I saw you tag me with this:


Bit more work done on the Repulsor. I stopped at the part where I have to make weapon choices.

Has anyone else built one? Are they easy to make interchangeable or are we talking magnets?

@mage, @dawfydd thinking of you here.


I have to make myself and haven’t played in a while, but, I did see this and put in some research to not let you hanging. Its just I was super busy with my son for the last seven or so days.


The consensus on d4 chan, which is a copy and paste is:




The Primaris flying landraider, trading a little armour for absurd more firepower. Holds 10 Primaris Marines (models with Gravis armour count as 2) and carries a fair number of anti-tank or anti-horde weapons to protect its passengers. While it can be built to be a veritable battle tank in its own right, it is a heavy point sink and requires support to get the most out of its statline. As most of its anti-tank damage comes from having the potential to equip the equivalent of four lascannons, it might be best to aim for a mixed build to capitalize on its potential to melt hordes and severely damage vehicles. However, its costs can rack up quickly, so unless you plan to field a lot of Primaris Marines you’re probably better off taking a Land Raider variant. It also has the FLY keyword with all of it’s dis-/advantages. Take it with a squad of 8 Reivers, a Primaris Chaplain, and Apothecary for a rather mean, if expensive assault/harassing Unit. Just hope it survives the onslaught of AT weapons long enough to get them in position.If you’re just looking for lots of lascannons or horde-clearing weaponry, there are probably cheaper – if somewhat slower – means of getting them on the table, like a Devastator Squad or Redemptor Dreadnought. Anti-armour setups, in particular, have the issue that the las-talon has only half the range of the twin lascannons, which means it’ll only be able to unleash half its anti-armour firepower at its farthest range. At that matter, most of its other weapons struggle with an equally short range compared to most vehicle-mounted weapons, so it will likely need support when dealing with long-ranged attackers.


Defensively, it’s nearly identical to a Land Raider; although its armour is only a 3+, it has the same number of wounds as a LR and does a good job at discouraging charges with its Repulsor Field rule (-2 from any charge rolls). The optional Auto Launchers supplement this with an extra -1 to hit on opponent shooting rolls if the Repulsor doesn’t shoot.


Three Aggressors with Auto-Boltstorm Gauntlets, a Captain in Gravis armour, and a Primaris Lieutenant and Apothecary all fit snugly in this beast, hit like a brick, can heal models around it, and protect otherwise slower models. Outfit the Repulsor with Heavy/Onslaught Gatling Cannons and say goodbye to any infantry in 18″. If you take a regular Primaris Captain instead of one in Gravis armour, you can also toss a primaris ancient into the floating death-bawks so that the aggressors have a chance to fire when they die as well.

When kitting the Repulsor out, decide if you want it fighting tanks or hordes. In terms of pure output, for anti-tank take the Las-talon and Twin Lascannon, for anti-horde take the Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon and Twin Heavy Bolter and for balanced take the Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon and Twin Lascannon. Do note that in terms of points effectiveness the Twin Heavy Bolter is better than the Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, though.




Also, I asked on facebook in a Primaris group for you. The following are rephrased summaries from three different users:


(1) they always have OGC 2 storm bolters, icarus roclet pod, fragstorm, krakstorm, lascannons and swap the main gun depending on what they need. The las talons limited range hurts a bit. He builds or would build in future full dakka versions as the Executioner tank is way better as an anti tank unit.




(2) Also says full dakka keeping it fairly cheap and giving it a good damage output against light stuff.


(3) Dakka and more dakka

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