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Reply To: GW Once Again Taking a Giant Dump on Retailers

Home Forums Science Fiction Tabletop Game Discussions GW Once Again Taking a Giant Dump on Retailers Reply To: GW Once Again Taking a Giant Dump on Retailers



Yes it’s been going on a long time 20 years ago when I used spend some of my time hanging around hobby shops, places didn’t want to deal with GW having had bad experiences.    I play Kings of War mostly now and the main reason I avoid GW is not the price or even the dodgily created scarcity but the rules.   Having recently played some ‘new’ blood bowl it has reminded be to be wary of GW and that I don’t miss having to deal with GW being in charge of the rules.   With GW price’s being high and past experience of rules even if I think something looks cool I will wait but I can see the apeal.   If there is  a general feeling about with non gaming parents that GW is expensive, overpriced and not  a good thing for there kids to get into it might have an effect or maybe they are after the whales 😀    But GW are getting more young first time gamers for AoS than Mantic is for KoW who’s player base seems to be older gamers who have played multiple systems before, so I guess they are doing something right.

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