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Reply To: Overpriced GW

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GW’s pricing is bad for the industry regardless of how many conversations you want to have about ‘perceived value’ simply because it sets a precedent. I’m pretty sure the likes of Corvus Belli couldn’t get away with charging £200 for 25 minis if they couldn’t also point at GW and say, ‘Yeah, but look what THEY’RE doing’…

The Horus Heresy set has its own problems though – you’re barely getting a single 2000 point army from it, and it’s not really an effective army. You’d need one of the faction books and maybe a couple of the weapon upgrade boxes in addition and now your £180 value box has cost you over £300… for a starter set.

Now if that will do you, and you’re really not looking to invest anymore, then yes, it probably does represent good value… but we all know that’s not how GW works. Their starter sets aren’t to get you started in the game, they’re to start you off as a consumer..

Plus, if we’re going to go down the apples-to-apples comparison route that most people defending their practises fall back on, then all those who bought the Ash Wastes set have got to be feeling fairly violated right now…

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