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Having looked at the first wave, it looks like I’ll probably just get the rulebook – assuming it’s semi-affordable (j/k, it’s GW, so it won’t be…) – and maybe an army book or three.

I have plenty of Medievals/Bretonnians, no interest whatsoever in Egyptian-themed skeletons, and don’t need any additional dice, measuring sticks or sundry.

The larger bases are very obviously mean that the NEW miniatures will be bigger – the dreaded Scale Creep strikes again..and again…and again….- and many people will (GW hope) be ’embarrassed’ to be playing with the tiny little 8th, 7th, 6th or (gasp!) even older models (which are already WAY HUGE compared to the good ole 25s of 70s/80s days of yore). The thing about that is that your average game size will still be 2000 points, meaning you’ll probably need an average of 100 or so minis, depending on army, per side, making things on a ‘standard’ 6×4 gaming table rather crowded ,what with terrain, maneuvering,

There’s a YT video of someone questioning the wisdom of putting Goblins on 25 mm bases – the little guys might get agoraphobia with all that empty space around them – but then again, Gobbos will probably also experience a growth spurt. Maybe the new Gobbos will be physically bigger than ‘Primaris’ Marines……Time to re-write the stat lines.

I will definitely not be re-basing anything, I’ll just make me some appropriate size movement trays, that’s kind of what I did with my Dwarves (mostly Mithril, Grenadier and Vendel) when I played GW’s LotR battle game – blue-tac’ed them onto round bases.

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