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Antenociti’s Workshop needs your help

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  storminwolf 6 years, 1 month ago.

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    So with the market the way it is and the industry changing all the time AW is also having to change, I won’t go into all the reasons Jed lists in his post here but I will say I’m sorry to see them having to restructure so heavily and I hope that he is successful in turning things around and is able to keep doing what they’re doing.

    The long and the short of this is the non AW stuff is going away and eventually so will the resin, leaving them with the in house Laser Cut Designs and eventually the resin will mostly be phased out in favour of 3D print files being sold instead.

    So where does the help come in? Well if you’re after any modelling supplies 85 pages, over 1000 items, are being reduced as they downsize. 20% reduction across the board on paint, flock, plasticard and tools among other things. If you’re looking to pick things up to help with your hobby you may find what you’re after there so it’s well worth a look.


    Cult of Games Member

    Here’s the right link for the blog post

    Really sorry to hear that. I’ve been a regular customer for years, always impressed with their selection of hobby products and good service. I will surely be refilling my modelling supplies from the sale.



    Sad news…


    Cult of Games Member

    Sad news indeed, but not that unexpected when you see the kind of competition they are up against in a global market.
    I just hope people don’t start making unauthorized copies of the STL files they’re planning to sell as well.
    This hobby really needs people with the kind of talent and reward them for it accordingly.


    Cult of Games Member

    Those stories are heartbreaking and I can’t imagine how Jed must have felt writing that post. I hope they can turn around the ship. Personally I can’t do much. I am low on cash myself and shipping from UK to Germany adds so much that my one-item buy wouldn’t be very reasonable.

     I just hope people don’t start making unauthorized copies of the STL files they’re planning to sell as well.

    @limburger seeing the discussions about recasters i think that may stay a wish but will never happen. Someone will share the file. And once it’s out there it’ll run through filesharing services.


    Cult of Games Member

    I wonder if they can add DRM to STL files.  I hope they can do something to protect themselves.

    I hope that they continue to trade even if it is in STL files, if they put those infinity and G.O.T. vehicles up as 3D print files I might take the plunge into the world of 3D printing because these guys are one of my favourite companies.

    In the meantime I bought a supply of Dullcoat.



    thanks matey, no idea what happened to that link to stop it working


    Cult of Games Member

    @onlyonepinman : they can try to add DRM to STL files, but usually such ‘features’ tend to hurt legit customers more.

    Never mind that a small company can’t possibly hope to win the war against the people with zero morals and infinite time&resources.
    Also keep in mind that they don’t even have the resources to match their own webshop with the expectations of most visitors as is already.


    Cult of Games Member

    Video and film downloads usually have DRM so I think it would be fine.  Or alternatively the industry could move to a stream service where you don’t download the file, you stream it straight to your printer.  There’s lots of options but it would need a major industry player to move into that field to realise them because someone has to develop the technology.  DRM protected files shouldn’t be a problem and it also shouldn’t really hurt legitimate customers.



    I’m not sure if DRM will be an option, DRM usually works either with an online legitimation from the device running the software or it is included in the firmware. So you would need to develop industry standards to which manufacturers adhere, so having bodies and industry associations.

    I don’t see this happening for 3d Printers, given that most of them come from a maker scene and there is not a big company behind the stl standard like blue ray, DVD or VHS, nor do I see consumers accepting such a change, nor a possibility to press such standards on to the market.


    Cult of Games Member

    I might have already mentioned this…

    “There’s lots of options but it would need a major industry player to move into that field to realise them because someone has to develop the technology.”

    I wonder if Shapeways or Thingverse might actually become the “big industry”.  Although we view them as a good place to get 3D prints and/or files for models/miniatures they actually sell a wide variety of things beyond what we might use them for.  I wonder if they’re bigger than we think they are?  Food for thought and discussion, @avernos one for an XLBS perhaps?



    I saw you mentioned that I gave my opinion why I think that is not a viable option happening. The problem is you will need this in the Hardware sold, and for those, there is no industry standard body, as most of the tech is open source based.  And I don’t see users buying any 3d printers supporting DRM. I certainly will not, for the simple reason that this usually just causes usability issues for the end user, especially if there is more than one standard and hardware developing fast.

    It was different for physical media like DVD and VHS and nowadays BlueDisc, and for mp3 it only works with iTunes as they use their own music file standard, they’re dirt cheap and there is free or almost free streaming alternatives, same with movies.

    I think if a monthly subscription service would be set up which allows you to download files, similar to audible or a service like iTunes, that could work but you would have to have a central service and then a creator of a file will probably not earn more than a  few Cents per file, which would make it unviable for most Miniature companies, as they just not have a big enough customer basis.

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