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BattleTech is leaving Ulisses Spiele

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  miguel-epn 11 months, 1 week ago.

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  • #1793039

    Cult of Games Member

    Direct from the horses mouth:

    Today we regret to inform you that the BattleTech licence at Ulisses Spiele will expire.

    Catalyst has informed us that the German licence for BattleTech will expire in April 2023. We will continue to publish as many Kell Hounds e-books as we can until then, but these too will have to disappear from our digital shed along with all other e-books in April next year, as well as from all other providers. This also applies to the audio books that our partner Yellow King Productions has done such a fantastic job with. The sale of physical products will also only continue until 20.04, but we will be able to offer you some special bargains in the F-Shop with the remaining products, as all books have also been taken out of book price fixing.

    Unfortunately, it is not yet known if and who will take over the BattleTech licence in Germany, but we hope that we can come to an agreement to make at least the fiction offers available again afterwards. We thank Catalyst for the last decade with this fantastic brand and hope for all fans of the BattleTech universe for a quick clarification of the licensing situation in Germany.

    Original Text:

    Heute müssen wir euch leider mitteilen, dass die BattleTech-Lizenz bei Ulisses Spiele auslaufen wird.

    Catalyst hat uns mitgeteilt, dass die deutsche Lizenz für BattleTech bei uns im April 2023 auslaufen wird. Wir werden bis dahin noch so viele E-Books der Kell Hounds veröffentlichen, wie uns möglich ist, aber auch diese müssen im April nächsten Jahres zusammen mit allen anderen E-Books sowohl aus unserem Digitalschuppen verschwinden, als auch bei allen anderen Anbietern. Das betrifft ebenfalls die Hörbücher, die unser Partner Yellow King Productions so fantastisch umgesetzt hat. Auch der Verkauf physischer Produkte wird nur noch bis zum 20.04. anhalten, aber wir werden euch im F-Shop einige besondere Schnäppchen mit den verbliebenen Produkten schnüren können, da alle Bücher auch aus der Buchpreisbindung genommen wurden.

    Bislang ist bedauerlicherweise noch nicht bekannt, ob und wer die BattleTech-Lizenz in Deutschland übernehmen wird, aber wir hoffen, dass wir zu einer Übereinkunft kommen können, um zumindest die belletristischen Angebote danach wieder verfügbar machen zu können. Wir danken Catalyst für die letzte Dekade mit dieser fantastischen Marke und hoffen für alle Fans des BattleTech-Universums auf eine schnelle Klärung der Lizenzsituation in Deutschland.

    So what does this mean for Battletech in Germany? Pretty much nothing from what I can tell. Other that the books/novels don’t get translated any more. Rulebooks, miniature distribution was already dead in the water with Ulisses.

    Here is hoping that Catalyst Game Labs will find some other European/German distributor. I want my mechs! XD



    Well that sucks. From my understanding Germany has been Battletech’s biggest market outside the States and more or less helped keep the brand viable. Hopefully this is only temporary and a sign that the long-awaited European/UK distribution hub for CGL’s products might be up & running soon to pick up when this deal ends?


    Cult of Games Member

    As far as I know Pegasus Spiele had some role in importing from the US and also did it… we’ll see what happens after the Kickstarter I guess



    Hi there, Just to join in on your post : )

    EPN, (European Player Network) is now the main distributor for Battletech in Europe. We are located in the Netherlands, and part of Asmodee group. We started last year, and are focussing on the English language boardgames, miniature games, RPG’s, accesoiries and puzzles. We ship to all European retailers, so also in Germany, and have a nice stock availability for Battletech.

    If you are a retailer, you can check out our website for more info. (



    Cult of Games Member

    Nice to know that supplies are secured!

    @miguel-epn will EPN also fulfil the Kickstarter?



    That is not in the planning yet.  (Would be awesome though)   : )

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