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Blood and Valor: Downed Pilot scenario.

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  blipvertus 4 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #1571699

    Cult of Games Member

    Sean Twiddy had his Germans and I had my Doughboys.

    Downed pilot scenario. First game that lasted longer than Turn 3. We played the blasted trees as light cover you could shoot through and the actual forests as indicated by the rule book.

    As the attacker I set up first and massed on the right. Sean then promptly but the pilot on the left. I should’ve gone for a more even deployment.

    Main features of the game were a persistent duel between my HMG team and Sean’s. I lost two gunners on the first attack but my lone gunner wrecked havoc on multiple turns before finally succumbing to a hail of lead.

    The German storm troopers essentially played shield and never fired a shot. The American rifle squads kept up a hail of fire but just couldn’t make up for bad positioning.

    Maj Whittlesey was brilliant and almost pulled off a tie. I also took Sgt York but his special advance set up full was nullified by this scenario as was Sean’s advanced set up for his sniper.

    But I got to field my pilot figure so, worth it. ?


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