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BoW keeps logging me out.

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  warzan 6 years, 5 months ago.

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    I just had to log in three times in about a minute because the website keeps signing me out. I’ve noticed it does this specifically when I click on this link about the Cthulhu statue from CMON:

    Cthulhu Itself Rises In CMON’s Death May Die


    Cult of Games Member

    I notuced it keeps sendung me to the web01 and 02 sites this morning



    I’ve always had this problem with the BoW website – randomly being looked out on devices regardless of operating system, cookie settings, browser or country I am in. Never had this with any other site I use a lot.



    Unfortunately this is correct mate, but it’s happening for different reasons.


    On the old si,te we had to reset the platform periodically as we had an inefficiency in the code and platform that chewed up the resources. (We had to decide not to fix it and put the resource into developing 2.0)

    On the current platform it’s a bug (one we will fix) you are basically ending up directly on one of the servers in the cluster (so you will see web01 or web02 etc in your url) this should be www (and if you change it you will find you are still logged in.

    The session is stored against www not the others.

    So we are working on finding the rogue code that is directing you guys directly to the cluster machines rather than the www.

    Thanks for posting about this as it really helps! 🙂


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