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Carbon Grey RPG

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  tankkommander 3 years, 4 months ago.

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    Stumbled upon a kickstarter for an RPG called Carbon Grey which is based on a comic I’ve never heard of.

    Alternate realtity setting around the time of the Great War.

    Looks interesting and is based on the West End Games Star Wars rules which I had a lot of fun with over the years.

    It’s on KS for another 24 days and has an 80 page Quick Start available on the ks page if you want to see more.

    Edit: The ks has stalled at moment. Funded, but most backers seem to be more interested in the comic than the RPG. I get the feeling it might end up falling below funding before the end.



    I was backing this for the game and the graphic novel, but ended up pulling out of the KS.  This is a “me” thing, not a “them” thing.  The game and the graphic novel look very interesting!  I’ve just been buying too many new games and peripherals on KS and still have piles that I’ve received and haven’t touched yet.  So I’m TRYING to break my addictions and only join a Kickstarter for additions to games I already play and support.

    It’s been hard, to say the least…

    But yes, Carbon Grey looks very interesting.  (We’ll see if I can still stay out of it before it closes…)  As a BIG fan of the WEG Star Wars RPG and still have my big library of those game books, I’m also curious to see how they use the D6 system for their game purposes.

    *starting to sweat and twitch*

    “Come on…we can do this…we don’t NEED to buy into another Kickstarter right now…”



    I did back, but dropped out. Decided I don’t need another RPG and I have all the WEG d6 I’ll ever need.



    I might back this for the comic.



    Not sure how seriously I can take a setting that has trench warfare but also all of the technology that makes trench warfare impossible.

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