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Fantasy Flight Interactive To Close

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  ninjilly 4 years, 11 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Cult of Games Member

    Was reading about this yesterday morning. They only ever made one game for the computer didn’t they?


    Cult of Games Member

    jupp  a LotR Card Game


    Cult of Games Member

    Its there RPG division so Star Wars, LOTFR etc.



    Reads like the computer division has closed (which is a shame because they only launched the console version of LOTR in late Oct/early Nov) and then layoffs at the RPG division. No announcement on it closing, only news from a former member of staff saying layoffs. Sad to hear for everyone affected but the RPG division seems to have been a mess for years now and sales of the digital game were awful


    Cult of Games Member

    Ok, I didn’t see the second part first. Fantasy Flight Interactive is closing down definitly. That’s been broadcasted over at LinkedIn.


    “It’s with great sadness that I have to report that the decision has been made to close Fantasy Flight Interactive next month. I’m proud of the team and the game we’ve dedicated ourselves to for the past few years. It’s a been an amazing journey with even more amazing people. I’m going to do my best to get my team placed in new positions. I have programmers, designers, artists, QA staff and a producer to get placed in new roles and will do my best to do so quickly. Additionally, I’m now open to new opportunities myself since I will also be out of a job.”

    – Tim Gerritson via LinkedIn

    The second of the RPG lay-offs is currently just a rumour as far as I know.


    Cult of Games Member

    I wonder where that leaves Privateer Press’, “Legend of the five Rings” mini subscription line as it is now producing minis for a game that will no longer be producing content.




    There’s nothing so far so say they won’t be producing content. The RPG division isn’t included in any official announcement yet but the rumour coming from recently let go staff is that RPG releases will be continuing via freelancers rather than in-house staff

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