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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  bobcockayne 6 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #1210584

    Cult of Games Member

    For a future project. Planning to build a Freeblade Imperial Knight based on the Bounty Hunter from Battletech so does anyone know any one thst does Dollar/pound xfers, tynosynovitus in hand playing up so trying to free hand paint them is a no no.



    @bobcockayne print your own?

    Or when in hobby doubt do what i do and see what exists for manicures and nail farting about…. that design is a bit naff, but it exists and if one design does, it stands to reason more do!

    …Seriously the amount of repurposed nail care things in my hobby tool box, files, electric files, weird cutters, razor sharp scissors for ingrowing toenails, which are AMAZING on fiddly sprue gates


    Cult of Games Member

    Would have tried the print your own method, but home printer is buggered snd the one atvwork in contsnt use.

    Nice idea about nails will chevk it out!

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