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This topic contains 12 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  fourtytwo 2 years, 3 months ago.

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    Yeah, I have to be THAT guy again…

    I like the content creator interviews, but I’d like to see it expanded to hobbyists who do interesting stuff within the hobby but do NOT create ‘content’ like videos, magazines etc…

    That’s it – just sayin’



    Cult of Games Member

    So something like a “introducing yourself to the community”? Nobody is stopping you from opening a thread and to that. Maybe the term “interview” is a bit misleading as the “interview” is basically a list of questions that I just typed my own answers.

    So just copy the questions from the interviews and answer them on a thread. I’d love to read those from users/CoGs but at the same time I see that there is little value to OTT in that to have it on the front page. 🙂

    @warzan @brennon your thoughts on this?



    So, what I read is this: What content creator hobbyists have to say is more interesting for OTT than what non-content creator hobbyists have to say, regardless of what they produce within their hobby. That’s the first subtle scent of celebrity cutlure, which I detest.

    As for myself – no, I have nothing interesting to say which hasn’t already been said about the hobby a bazillion times in one variation or the other in thousands and thousands of YouTube-videos. I am the only hobbyist in the world who is like every other hobbyist. I am also the only person in the universe who is not an individual!



    Cult of Games Member

    So, what I read is this: What content creator hobbyists have to say is more interesting for OTT than what non-content creators have to say, regardless of what they produce within their hobby.

    A) that’s not what I said and B) not what OTT had in mind (I guess at least. I can’t know because even having chats with Gerry and Ben I am no part of the OTT team so I only do guess)

    Fact is that OTT makes money with adds and CoG subscriptions. And the front page is the most expensive add space. So if they would put up an interview with a “normal” hobbyist they wouldn’t gain anything and potentially not many people would be interested. Again: only my personal opinion and guesswork. Having content creators on the front page (especially so small ones like myself) I think it is simply a “there is more to the hobby then the Warhammer Community YouTube channel” then anything else.

    As far as I remember I always found BoW/OTT to be an open and welcoming community. Yes, it’s impossible to please everyone 100% of the time but you won’t get that anywhere.

    So where do we go from here? Any non-creators on here want to have an interview? I’d be happy to curate the questions and put them into a forum thread or maybe a project to keep them at one place.


    Cult of Games Member

    Thank you @fourtytwo and I hope that my view isnt more important to OTT that yours, just because I make YouTube videos. I wholeheartedly agree with what you say and I think a proper community spotlight and interview would be smashing. After all thats all I am is a hobbyist that paints, nowhere near to your standard and games sometimes, I have no views on GW, or what the latest toy is, I just paint what I like.

    I hope @warzan, @brennon take what you say on board and explain that we, after all thats all what interview was and look forward to seeing your



    We opened up the Q&A interviews for the people creating Channels on here to introduce more people to what they create and get to know them/what they are doing.

    That doesn’t mean that they are more important to us than anyone else on the site. It’s just a small initiative that we’re doing to showcase what they do and do something nice.

    There is plenty of scope for us to do more with hobbyists and creators who do equally amazing work that don’t produce videos or blogs in the future. I’ll add it into the pool of ideas and see where we go next once we’ve finished this little experiment.

    Hopefully folks have enjoyed reading the interesting stories and exploring the work that we’ve seen so far over the last three Q&A articles.

    As I say – plenty of scope for us to do lots of different things that folks suggest. One of the reasons why we do the community spotlight every week is so that we can show off some of the impressive hobbying people do so if there’s something we could do that takes that to the next level; that could be pretty cool.

    Always open to more ideas.


    Cult of Games Member

    not everything needs to be taken so literally.
    What is a ‘content creator’ ?
    Sure … on the interwebz they are guys (and girls) who creating content for content sake, because it is their job (or attempt at one).

    I’d say in OTT terms it is anyone posting updates on one of their projects on a fairly regular basis. Sure … my once in a decade posts are technically ‘content’ that I ‘create’, but websites needs something with a higher frequency if they want to attract more viewers/readers.

    @PanzerKaputt creates a ton of content by posting about his hobby which happens to be painting all the Barons’ War minis he can get his hands on.
    @sundancer likes to comment on stuff other people do within OTT, because (a) it keeps him sane and (b) it is fun to see what other people are doing.

    I for one am looking forward to seeing what other “content creators” OTT wants to highlight with one of these ‘interviews’.
    Picking a few of the more famous and active community members who are testing the ‘channel’ feature is as good as anything else. They got to start somewhere to see if there is something useful for people to read that is more about the folks behind the hobby and less about specific games or manufacturers.

    It would be kind of cool to see interviews with the golden button winners.
    Sports shows love to talk to athletes after they win things, so maybe something similar to further showcase the people doing the hobby instead of just the products ?
    Of course it all depends on people wanting to be put into the spotlight to begin with … but seeing what people have to say can be quite interesting and inspiring.

    Nothing is ever set in stone.



    IMO, The [unofficial weekender] works fine as an “interview”. Personally, I’m more interested in learning more about a specific topic than a specific person.

    OTT has its Golden Button Awards, and they could have winners submit a Q&A or self-interview that OTT would include (eg. a link) with the awards. Popular projects could do the same.


    Cult of Games Member

    Personally I couldn’t care less about any sports interviews … so much blah blah, I’d rather watch the games themselves.
    Most sports channels understand that concept so they don’t fill their channels with that 24/7.
    I’m sure OTT knows this too 😀

    Not all content on this site has to please you all of the time.  I think it is a nice little extra to have that showcases the consumer side of the hobby as opposed to the industry side of things.

    I think the danger with making these things just a questionaire is that OTT will have so many of those things to feature that there’s no space left for any hobby-related news. Even limiting this to the golden button winners gives them 3 news items per week to post. That is a lot of ‘free’ content that (hopefully) requires minimal effort to produce.



    I just want to say I really love the interviews. Personally I get inspired by people talking about hobby and things that I dont know about. Even if at that moment in time I dont have the bandwidth to jump into a new project. I have followed @panzerkaput barron wars progress through this site and discovered a game and a range of models I likely would not have considered before.

    I had no idea of all the different aspects of the hobby he was involved as well. Not sure how he finds all this time I can only assume he is some form of Time Lord to fit it all in.

    I would love to see them as youtube video interviews but I fully understand how difficult that might be. But it is such a great insight into the hobby, I love all the projects people get up. It is so nice to see all the models people have and the passion they write about the games they play.

    I do hope you continue with them !!!


    I think one of the reasons to showcase some of the content creators who are community members is to introduce people to their content. As many have pointed out GW related content swamps sites like YouTube and because of the algorithm, it works against anyone producing non-GW content simply because it’s works on pushing stuff that’s popular. So as a result it can be quite hard for people to find content online that isn’t GW related.

    It’s just an easy way of highlighting new creators to the rest of the community. The projects work in a similar way, every time a new project is created that is basically content and maybe one idea will be to interview a few of the folk behind some projects. Which could be done through the Golden Button system.


    Cult of Games Member

    yeah the project system is great for finding stuff you didn’t know existed.
    Combined with the UHH and golden buttons it is pretty powerful way to highlight the entire range of hobby to show that there’s more than just GW out there (thank Ben/OTT for that :D)



    Thanks to y’all for the constructive discussion – that’s what I like about OTT, even when opinions are different on occasion. I get all your points and I’m mulling them over.


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