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This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  torros 4 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #1465864

    Cult of Games Member

    New Xyston 15mm Ancients in plastic!

    We are delighted to announce PSC have signed a licensing deal with our good friends at Xyston Miniatures to produce and sell their excellent 15mm Ancients miniatures range in our new Ultracast plastic.

    The first products will appear Spring 2020.

    A fantastic accompaniment to the new edition Mortem et Gloriam and new PSC Ultracast plastic 15mm Ancients range preorder shop.


    Cult of Games Member

    WOW that is big news, Xyston have always been my favourite 15mm ancients range (particularly if your building an Thracian Army as the sculptor had a urge to do them as they were his personal favourite army). They did a great range of Greeks and Persians as well, although for some reason they didn’t really bother with doing the republican romans. I’ll eagerly wait to see how well these transfer over to being cast in plastics (although they were slightly “large” 15mm figs, not quite 18mm like the figures from AB miniatures)



    Cult of Games Member

    I think this will all come down to how much the plastic figures are. If they come out as the same price as the metals I dont see the point. Hopefully they will be the same as 28mm plastic and be half the price of the metals so about  25p per infantry  figure


    Cult of Games Member

    Oh wow! Well worth keeping an eye on.


    Cult of Games Member

    Well from the boxes they already have available it looks like they might be the same cost as buying the metals. So I think it’s just going to be a choice based on if you prefer plastic over metals. Ideally they should be costed a lot lower to entice gamers to build those BIG armies, but these days gamers are more used to warband level rules rather than games with 100s of figures on each side…



    Cult of Games Member

    Well the preorder say for £30 or £35


    We are finalising the exact mix but will have approximately 64 infantry as a balanced mix of 10 poses of armoured legionaries, 10 poses unarmoured auxilia and 2 poses of supporting arches + 32 cavalry with a mix of armoured cavalry, cataphracts, horse archers and generals.


    I’m presuming that you get all that in one box


    Cult of Games Member

    Well doing the old cav figures cost twice as much as infantry figures, 64 inf and 32 cav (or basically the equivalent of 128 infantry figures) the retail on the boxed armies works out at just shy of 30p a figure.

    The metal Xystron figure from Scotia work out at about 53p a figure

    So it IS indeed a fair bit cheaper for the plastics. However we’ll just have to see how the plastics end up looking like.

    It’s a bit strange as the “in house” armies are all Late Imperial Roman era, but the Xystron range is definitely Punic Wars era (with a few figure codes going on a bit to the Hellenistic era). So they don’t really expand on each other to build out a cohesive range in any one era. But the in-house ranges are definitely going to be popular with the Cav Generals (although fighting Huns can be a bit grindy with all those fast horse archers), and the Xystron range more suited for the plodding infantry armchair generals (which is more my boat).

    Strange however they didn’t just go with the “default” Early Imperial Roamans and Gauls the nearly every company goes with when first launching anything related to ancient wargaming (which is probably a good thing). I do remember an article here on BoW featuring some photos of some Early Imperial Romans in 15mm and in plastic (just can’t remember the name of the company)


    Cult of Games Member


    The pictures I’ve seen so far look fine

    Well the in house stuff is just the old Lurkio range so it would be nice to see some 17th century stuff as well

    Personally I think it’s great they didnt go with Imperial Rome  although they have the Corvus Belli range which includes those ranges

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