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New Year, New Army

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  guillotine 1 year, 1 month ago.

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    With the idea of New Year, New Army a certain international plastic crack cartel is known to push product with their recent releases.

    Trying to pare down expectations and expense I’ve been investing in SAGA Age of Magic as a reasonable alternative in the fantasy realm. Yes, there is cost to the hobby but it’s easier to bear when not buying into GW.

    With a full scale 8 point army possibly done with 27 figures (6 units of four Hearthguard, a sorcerer, a monster and the leader) does anyone have crazy ideas that they might like to play around with and potentially get done before end of year without breaking the bank?




    Cult of Games Member

    My crazy idea is the usual: don’t start any new projects.

    I’m certain my iron self discipline will defy the news content on this site in general, and the epic Warpath Kickstarter in particular and it’ll be an unqualified success ?

    I do like the look of the Colditz expansion to 0200 hours also.




    My goal for the year is to try and average a painted model every day. I have tons of Horus Heresy and Warhammer Orcs and Goblins that I bought years ago so I want to try and work through them. I also picked up some Avatars of War Dwarves a long time ago which Id like to paint and quite a lot of Bolt Action Germans. Im actually really excited to get a lot of painting done this year



    I’ve been building jungle terrain but have no armies to fight in a jungle. So naturally in this new year I’ve started USMC and Japanese armies for bolt action (cracked those boxes open last night). Also got a set of 20mm Vietcong to face a friend who has Americans for Vietnam. Will be using a house ruled Spectre Operations for that particular conflict.


    Actually you’re thinking along the same lines as myself Horatio.  I want to get into Medieval age wargames and Frostgrave this year – I’ve put both projects on hold for over 2 years now. I did a lot of research over Christmas and realised of all the Medieval period games, Saga is the one I will probably like the most. I love skirmishy type games. I love big hairy arsed vikings. So I want to start a Saga Viking warband. I also love zombies. And the idea of Viking Zombies gets my little heart fluttering. So I would also like to start a Draugr army, which fits in perfectly with Saga Age of Magic. And could also be used in Frostgrave.

    Incidentally,   I believe Studio Tomahawk are currently working on Version 2 of Age of Magic. Got the info from Rodge Rules on YouTube. If you’re interested its at 4:30 on


    So after checking out the news of a potential Age of Magic 2.0. I had a think, a rather dangerous proposition if you ask some people around these parts, and have considered a flying monkey force for The Otherworld. Eureka has a selection that has tempted me on a few occasions. This honestly might not well happen but I think putting the brain seeds out there is helpful.

    Evil Bob’s Miniature Painting did this but I believe that if you took something like what Wargaming with Barks created there is room for Wizard of Oz to be explored. As an IP it’s definitely underutilized and almost unloved.

    Going back to “Return to Oz” as a film, the Wheelers could make intriguing and disturbing cavalry. TikTok as The grand Army of Oz can be a bipedal beast. A flying gump couch could easily use the stats for a Scourge or stand in as a chariot used in The Horde. The soldiers from the original film could be made from modified Napoleonics. Aside from all that the breadth of races/creatures that could be played about with why not check them out? How else could you publicly play with Winkies on the tabletop and not be arrested?



    I’m going to try to get more painting done this year and I’d like to some of the following…

    Painting the 6 Shattertpoint squads I have.

    Finishing the Cryx I’ve had lying around for years and the Mercs to get all Warmachine/Hordes done.

    Start wargaming again by beginning small with Kings of War and getting army done eventually… buy some minis and convert some of GW stack (possibly mixing Twilight Kin with Daughters of Khaine).

    Finish all the Carnevale I have.

    Won’t do all, but I’ve started Shatterpoint.


    Cult of Games Member

    I’m doing New Year, New Army. Instead of buying one, I’m painting one from the pile. Currently working on Rohan for MESBG.

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