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Patreon watch – August 21

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  blinky465 3 years, 4 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve taken my eye off Patreon this month (mainly because I spent so damned much the previous month) but the emails still arrive from creators I’m following. Previews for August are already starting to roll in, and for fellow Blood Bowl/Blitz Bowl fans, there are some fun-looking minis coming from Punga miniatures on Patreon this August


    If you’ve got the latest version, you’ve probably already got a couple of referees, but for us “old timers” still putting our 3rd edition lead human team on the tabletop, here’s a chance to grab a human ref, a goblin ref, a dwarf ref, even a troll ref (we’re going to “house rule” (yes, that’s a verb) some ideas for him penalising the wrong team when an infringement occurs).


    Cult of Games Member

    Highland Miniatures have a really interesting looking line out this month. I’ve no idea what I could possibly use these characters for – I’m more of a sci-fi/futuristic fan myself – but they just look so cool, it’s going to be hard to get to the end of the month without backing these – especially since their email included the teaser:

    But remember! The August Release isn’t over yet. The big surprise is coming!



    I imagine these guys would be great fun to paint with a splosh of Contrast Paint and a few edge highlights, and could be made to look really nice, really quickly thanks to all that lovely sculpted detail…

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