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So I backed Freelancer: Skies Over Tolindia Roleplaying Game

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  bvandewalker 3 years, 9 months ago.

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    Freelancer: Skies Over Tolindia Roleplaying Game by SafeHaven games is on KS right now, it is going to end in the next 5 to 4 days as of this post so check it out, if your not interested in backing but know people who might share it with them on social media cause share goals.

    Its supposed to be an  industrial fantasy RPG with WW1 elements like tanks, Airships, bolt action rifles, armored cars,etc. next to sword and magic stuff (ie think Trails of Cold Steel game series). It looks to be rather miniature heavy though, so if your a fantasy gamer like me that  has been looking for an excuses to buy the Wargames Atlantic’s WWI Germans or Perry’s Zulu war British or you backed one of those Airship 3D print campaigns this might be worth looking into, its also heavy on the anthro races  if that’s something your interested in.

    I can vouch that SafeHaven does fun family friendly games,  so this could be a good intro game for those of you looking to brainwash/convert your children to table top gaming.

    So  here is the link any thoughts:

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