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Star Wars Proxy Vehicles

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  pagan8th 3 years, 3 months ago.

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    I’m looking for some cheap proxy miniatures to represent ground vehicles in a Star Wars RPG that will at times become a bit skirmish.

    Not looking for military vehicles… speeder bikes and land speeders mainly. Will be combined with Imperial Assault miniatures.

    No access to 3d printer, so looking for the minis themselves.

    Any suggestions?


    Cult of Games Member

    If you don’t know there are a number of patreons and gum road stores that have some awesome stuff on it. they also have licensed print services too.

    each of these ive bought and printed before. all files ive had have been brilliant. each one has a licensed print service in the UK too

    If you find files on thingiverse that you like or want printing and need a print service that is reliable I would recommend big fat chefs customs. he is actually a chef too. (disclosure, we went to the same gaming club for a number of years but he is a genuine nice guy, not a salty gamer)


    Cult of Games Member

    Try looking for model kits. 1:54 to 1:72 should be ok as proxies. Revell has the snowspeeder (03604) in 1:54 which is a perfect fit for Legion. And those are a bit bigger then IA minis. But it’s only 9€ so cheap as it gets for a new official licenced product 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    Revell also has an X-wing in 1:56-ish scale … should be close enough, right ?
    I wish they did Tie-fighters in the same scale, but for some weird reason those are smaller. Scaling is inconsistent in that Starwars range to say the least …



    Seen the Revell stuff and thee varied scale drives me nuts. I’ve ordered a 1/72 Millenium Falcon (not the Bandai one as I’m not that rich) and I know it’s out of scale, but will make for a good docking bay encounter.

    X-Wing and Snow Speeder are a possibility, but it’s speeder bikes (Legion ones would look really weird next to Imperial Assault heroes) and land speeders I really want.

    The 3D printed vehciles are ok, but mostly scaled for Legion and more expensive than I hoped for.

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