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T&B, it's a magical place…

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  grabnutz 5 years, 9 months ago.

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    So, many of you have been asking about the magic system, and as we are kindly people, here is the first page of the magic section:

    Thud & Blunder v1.0 pg68 Section 8 Hi-Res

    There are sixty-eight magical spells spread over three levels of power. Most of them represent ones we have read in fantasy books or seen in films. A few have been added as they are the commonest used in fantasy rpgs.

    The cost system for spells could not be simpler (see 9.1.9), making it very easy for you to introduce new powers of your own devising. The only real rule regarding this is that you agree these new powers with your fellow gamers before using them.

    If you are running a campaign you may wish to expand or even restrict the types of spells that can be used in line with your setting. For example; in Lord of the Rings relatively few magical powers are used, but in Mordheim every man and his dog seems to have them ?

    Note that to use a level of magical power you must have the appropriate trait – Magical Talent: Novice, Adept or Master. A Novice can only choose Grade 0 powers, an Adept Grades 0 & 1, and a Master (hello Gandalf) can choose any grade.

    Well, there is it, fully compliant with our KISS principle, but with enough depth to keep you working out winning combinations and uses for years.

    We are really looking forwards to seeing how you use this section.

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