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The Terrain Tutor – a cry for help

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  grantinvanman 3 weeks, 2 days ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Mel was one of the first people I got to know in connection with tabletop and YouTube.

    He’s been really struggling to get back on his feet the last few months and recently it looked like he was back. And this cry for help (I can’t call it anything else) just came in from him on YouTube. The man is devastated and if you can, please help him or share the link to the video.

    Seeing him like this really hit me.

    @warzan @lloyd I know this is much to ask but can you nudge business daddy and maybe help safe this man’s sanity?



    Poor Mel, he is looking rough. For a fella of his talent it makes me wish some painting/terrain studio would take him on as their resident “terrain guy.”  I mean, he is a legend, he can contribute, I’m just not sure this one-man-band approach of YT videos and Patreon can sustain him at this point.  I bet he could thrive if he was left to concentrate on the job & not having to coordinate a business.


    Cult of Games Member

    Yeah, that is what I am thinking. He should be an employed studio terrain magician. Just let him do terrain and stuff.



    Sounds like he has turned off the help function, and he got enough donations. But what about next month? I like the idea of some bigger conpany bringing him on so he has security. Hopefully it happens.



    Agreed, not sure this is sustainable for the guy long term.

    Plenty of companies out there who could give him work surely???? Even if its not full time just some commission stuff.


    Cult of Games Member

    I think he did commission work way back when. There was a Fabled Reals map build, a big snow terrain one with 4Ground, a Wargames Bolt Action D-Day build and some others. Don’t know how much (or if at all) they paid and why it stopped.



    It’s a tough one, he is fantastic at what he does and entertaining.

    I just think his personal issues and health issues have probably made him appear unreliable to employers.

    It’s a shame!



    @rickabod41 those kind of stigma do hurt people; a good employer will accommodate those issues and work proactively with an employee who doesn’t fit “the box” – especially if they are good at what they do.

    In fact, it can be discriminatory NOT to accommodate in many cases.

    Here’s hoping he finds something that is a stable environment for him, long-term.

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