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Tycho Starport – 3D printable scifi scenery from Corvus Games Terrain

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    Tycho Starport 3D printable scifi terrain kickstarter from Corvus Games Terrain 28mm scale scenery 1200

    Tycho Starport will be the third 3Dprintable terrain Kickstarter from Corvus Games Terrain. The campaign will feature four pledge levels with 35 printable building designs in the core set pledge alone. The remaining pledge levels will add to the core set by the way of a shop district with extra buildings, kiosks and billboards, and an industrial-themed zone with even more building designs, modular cargo pad, and comms dish. The final pledge level will be a discounted All-in tier comprising the core set buildings, the Shop District and the Industrial District. This will be around 100 building designs!

    A lot of stretch-goals have already been designed and tested, and will add walkways, ramps, stairs, extra roof types, scatter terrain, and more. If unlocked, these stretch-goal models will be available to all pledge levels.

    How Does It Work?
    Each building is made up of a lower section, with slots for optional drop-in doors, and a connectable roof. Buildings are built around a three-inch cube system, and are stackable.

    Four “cube” shapes have been designed to allow for a variety of building sizes. The variations are single cube (3×3), double cube (6×3), L-shape (6×6), and quad cube (6×6). The maximum-sized quad cube will comfortably fit on an average print-bed size of 200mm x 200mm.

    The buildings are designed for 28mm-34mm scale miniatures.

    It will have four pledge levels:

    • Core set featuring 35 building designs with removable roofs and optional drop-in doors.
    • Shop District with 30 building designs plus the core set
    • Industrial District with 35 buildings plus the core set
    • All-In pledge with core set plus Shop District plus Industrial District.

    A number of stretch-goals are planned, including walkways, stairs and ramps, scatter terrain, roof barriers, extra roof styles, printable billboard artwork, and more.

    The pre-sign-up page is now open at

    Corvus Games Terrain 3D printable scifi terrain Kickstarter Tycho Starport industrial zone 1200

    Tycho Starport kickstarter from Corvus Games Terrain experimenting with lights 1200

    Corvus Games Terrain 3D printable scifi terrain Kickstarter Tycho Starport core set 1200

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