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Join us for a peek at Silver Tower heroes, Miremarsh Goblins and the start of some epic Infamy, Infamy! armies for Ancient wargaming.
Welcome back to another episode of Cult Of Games XLBS as Gerry, Ben, Justin and Free dive into what they've been doing hobby-wise and have a good old chat about getting into painting miniatures!
Justin is joined by Ricard and Anders from Room 17 Games to talk a little bit about how they got into the industry and the history of Room 17.
Let’s Play: Miremarsh
7 years ago 4Ricard and Anders from Room 17 Games drop by to take us through the swamplands of Miremarsh!
We get our goblin on with the Room 17 Games crew and Miremarsh PLUS check out the ace Fantasy World Creator tiles!
We're discussing ELITE Dangerous: Battle Cards, the ongoing Kurage Crisis Infinity Campaign and Warren falls in love with loads of mats at once!
Room 17 Games are on Kickstarter now with the rather awesome looking Miremarsh. This is a board game for one to five players as you take on the role of Bog Goblin each trying to stake their claim on the swamp they call home and come out on top as Goblin King!