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Star Trek: Away Missions


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Unboxing: Star Trek Away Missions – Commander Scotty Expansion | Gale Force Nine

8 months ago 1

Gerry unboxes and reviews another of the newer expansions for Star Trek: Away Missions by Gale Force Nine. In this one, we push the engines as far as we can with a boxed set for Scotty who comes with Uhura, Sulu and Leslie.

Unboxing: Star Trek Away Missions – Captain Kirk Federation Expansion | Gale Force Nine


Gerry reviews and unboxes the Star Trek Federation Expansion for Captain Kirk. Head back to the Original Series and bring some iconic characters to the tabletop from Gale Force Nine for Star Trek: Away Missions.

Unboxing: Star Trek: Away Missions – Q Organized Play Kit | Gale Force 9


Gerry has an encounter at Farpoint as he cracks open the first organised play kit from Gale Force 9 for Star Trek: Away Missions, and sees what madness and mischief the Q Continuum have to offer the galaxy. 

Community Spotlight: Star Trek’s Away Missions, Gundam & Mutant Heroes!

10 months ago 2

This week, we dive into painting of superheroes, mighty Gundam and also some excellent Star Trek icons who are off on their newest Away Missions!

Cult Of Games XLBS: I Need My Wargaming Heroes To Feel Heroic!


Let's dive into a new Cult Of Games XLBS! In this week's show, Ben wants to talk about heroics and legendary moments in tabletop games. Do you want more herohammer in your games? Does it depend on the scale of game you're playing? Is there a difference between how heroes work in Historical and Sci-Fi/Fantasy games?

The Samurai Army Of Your Dreams? Perfect Miniatures For Fantasy & Historical Wargaming #OTTWeekender


It's OTTWeekender time! John has found himself some absolutely amazing Samurai miniatures that might just make the army of his dreams. Are they actually the perfect army for both Fantasy and Historical wargaming thanks to the mysticism around them?

Kirk & Spock Coming To GF9’s Star Trek: Away Missions!


Gale Force Nine has announced that a new set of characters will be coming to Star Trek: Away Missions in March! Captain Kirk and Scotty are going to be landing in two expansion sets that focus on the Original Series characters!

How To Play – Star Trek: Away Missions | Gale Force Nine


The team show off how to get set up and how to play Gale Force Nine's newest Star Trek game, Star Trek: Away Missions. The Federation go up against The Borg in Battle Of Wolf 359 as we explore set-up and the basic mechanics of Away Missions.

Community Spotlight: Star Trek, Kill Teams & Ancient Chariot Races


Dive into another Community Spotlight where we're talking Star Trek, Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team and finally an awesome game of chariot racing!

Cult Of Games XLBS: What Will Your TerrainFest 2023 Project Be? We Share Our Ideas!


As part of this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we chat about the plans that we have to dive into TerrainFest 2023! Warren is looking to get some feedback on how to build Acre and Ben is thinking about how to paint his Wild West terrain for a good old-fashioned shootout!

Star Trek: Away Missions Previews Picard & The House Of Duras


Gale Force Nine has been showing off the second wave of releases coming to Star Trek: Away Missions to help support their miniature-based board game. The Federation and the Klingons are going to be getting new Away Teams to play with. 

Engage! Star Trek: Away Missions Sets Phasers To Stun Tabletop Gamers #OTTWeekender


It's OTT Weekender time! We set phasers to stun and get beamed up as we engage with the upcoming Star Trek miniatures board game coming from Gale Force Nine! The team are releasing Star Trek: Away Missions later this year and it looks like it could be a lot of fun to dive into, especially with the ways they could take the game in the future.

Read The Rulebook For Gale Force 9’s Star Trek: Away Missions


Star Trek: Away Missions is the new Sci-Fi miniatures board game available to pre-order from Gale Force Nine which allows you to play as iconic Star Trek characters, battling against each other in quick, easy-to-play, scenarios where each crew is unique.

Battletech Mercenaries! NEW Big Mechs For Hire In Resurgent Wargame & Undead Unearthed #OTTWeekender


It's OTT Weekender time! This week, Warren gets into the Spring Clean Challenge by unearthing a cemetery's worth of undead fiends for gaming with his kids and the Battletech Mercenaries provide some big guns and more for the hard Sci-Fi tabletop wargame.

Star Trek: Away Missions – Gale Force Nine New Sci-Fi Game!


Gale Force Nine has now announced a new miniatures board game of tactical two-player gameplay set in the Star Trek universe! Star Trek: Away Missions will be available in July 2023 and have you pitting Away Teams from different factions against each other to secure victory!

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