Star Trek: Away Missions – Gale Force Nine New Sci-Fi Game!

March 25, 2023 by brennon

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Gale Force Nine has now announced a new miniatures board game of tactical two-player gameplay set in the Star Trek universe! Star Trek: Away Missions will be available in July 2023 and have you pitting Away Teams from different factions against each other to secure victory!

Star Trek Away Missions Core Set - Gale Force Nine

Star Trek: Away Missions - Core Set // Gale Force Nine

Taking the lead is going to be the Core Set for Star Trek: Away Missions which sees the Federation going up against The Borg in a Next Generation clash. The Battle Of Wolf 359 has a Federation Away Team led by the epic Riker going up against Locustus and the drones of The Borg.

Star Trek Away Missions Gameplay - Gale Force Nine

Star Trek: Away Missions - Gameplay // Gale Force Nine

Games of Star Trek: Away Missions are played out in quick ninety-minute bouts between two players as you see to complete missions and take down your enemies. Set your phasers to kill! Taking a cue from the likes of Warhammer Underworlds, each Away Team comes with stat cards and such that you need to play the game and are entirely playable right out of the set. So, all you need to do is pick your favourite Away Team, crack open the box and you're ready to go.

Rike Away Team - Star Trek Away Missions

Riker's Away Team // Star Trek: Away Missions

Locutus Away Team - Star Trek Away Missions

Locutus' Away Team // Star Trek: Away Missions

Each Away Team will have their own strengths and weaknesses that you'll need to master if you're looking to secure victory. You'll also note that the game comes with a whole host of awesome miniatures! The miniatures for Away Team are around 40/45mm in scale and should be a lot of fun to paint.

I really like the look of Riker's Away Team in particular and I think it would be great fun to paint them up. You've got Riker, Worf, Shelby and Data so what's not to like? I reckon Locustus' Borg probably have some good tricks up their sleeves though.

 Star Trek: Away Missions Expansions

As well as the core set for Away Missions, you will also be able to expand your experience with the game by playing as the Klingons or the Romulans! Two sets are going to be released that allow you to go in a different direction and perhaps play around with new tactics.

Gowrons Honor Guard - Star Trek Away Missions

Gowron's Honor Guard // Star Trek: Away Missions

The first of the sets is Gowron's Honor Guard which features the fearsome Gowron (obviously!) at its head. As you might have guessed, the Klingons are very good at getting up close and personal with their foes and defeating them in close combat!

Gorwons Away Team - Star Trek Away Missions

Gowron's Away Team // Star Trek: Away Missions

If you prefer to be a bit sneakier then how about allying yourself with the Romulans? You can also pick up Sela's Infiltrators and stealth around the tabletop looking for a key moment to strike!

Selas Infiltrators - Star Trek Away Missions

Sela's Infiltrators // Star Trek: Away Missions

Plots within plots are the key to running a Romulan Away Team. You'll want to avoid conflict until all of your ducks are in a row and you've got the best chance of delivering a critical strike. Whilst the Klingons feel like quite the straightforward instrument of destruction, the Romulans give me the feel of an Away Team that needs a bit of finesse to use.

Selas Away Team - Star Trek Away Missions

Sela's Away Team // Star Trek: Away Missions

Both of these sets are also going to be released in July giving you four different Away Teams to try out. I could see this game being a lot of casual fun for Star Trek fans whilst also being something that fans of tight, tactical gameplay will pour over for hours! Who wouldn't want to see some organised play when it comes to Away Missions?!

With the fact that Away Missions is a board-based miniatures game, I could easily see myself diving into this. I have always been interested in miniature gaming with Star Trek but have not been that fussed about having to build tabletops and such. With only a handful of miniatures to paint, this could be the solution to my need to have a pop at something Star Trek on the tabletop.

Could you be tempted by Star Trek: Away Missions?

"The Battle Of Wolf 359 has a Federation Away Team led by the epic Riker going up against Locustus and the drones of The Borg..."

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