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Darrington Press Release Their First Board Game, Uk’otoa!


Darrington Press, the gaming wing of the Critical Role kingdom, has now released its first board game into the world. Uk'otoa, based on Fjord's terrifying deep-sea dwelling patron, is now available for you to snap up from the Critical Role store in the UK, US, Canada and Australia.

Is Core Space 2020s Best Sci-Fi Kickstarter + FFG’s New Descent Misses The Mark? #Weekender


We look at the new Core Space: First Born Sci-Fi Kickstarter and ask if FFG's Descent: Legends Of The Dark misses the dungeon-delving mark.

Critical Role Turn To Crafting Tabletop Games In 2021


The team from Critical Role announced this week that they are going to be turning their attention towards the crafting of tabletop gaming with a new string to their bow, Darrington Press. 

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