Angel Giraldez Masterclass Book Up For Pre-Order February 2nd!
January 27, 2015 by brennon
Pre-orders for Angel Giraldez's Masterclass Volume I: Painting Miniatures From A to Z using a bunch of Infinity miniatures will be going up for pre-order on February 2nd 2015! This is going to be a limited run and once it's gone it's gone so if you want one you better be quick...
As you can see as well as the book if you pre-order you'll also be able to get your hands on a limited edition version of Joan of Arc for PanOceania and we've got some awesome images of her here done by the talented hand of Angel...
An awesome looking miniature and something that I'm sure a lot of people will want to get their hands on. You can see more examples of Angel's work in the video trailer above and as we said, keep an eye out for this hitting pre-orders very soon indeed next week on Monday.
Will you be learning from the master?
"This is going to be a limited run and once it’s gone it’s gone so if you want one you better be quick…"

"If you pre-order you’ll also be able to get your hands on a limited edition version of Joan of Arc"

I am totaly excited for that book, dont get me wrong.
But this artifical limited is quite useless.
I would understand it if the miniature is limited, but why the whole book?
As the 2nd of february is a preorder he will get quite a good feedback how many he should print and he doesnt run into any risks that he has invested in not selling product….
Even if its sold out it means there is market out there who would glady buy more than the limited first run.. does it make it sense?
Because that is a personal project, not backed by CB or Vallejo, the print run numbers are about as many as you would expect from an individual to be able to pay for.
It is not artificial, its how things are.
He’s endorsed by AV. Their logo is on the front of the book. Of course they part-funded this.
Got my preorder in at wayland already.
I have to say, I bought it just for the painting information, but that Joan of Arc is stunning. It is so much better than the two I already have, especially in the face, brilliant sculpt.
I am ready for this!
It’s up for pre-order at lots of places right now! I’ve got mine ordered 🙂
Ordered and excited.
Do pre-orders outside of Infinity store get the miniature? If so, what sites should I go to? All of my usual gaming sites don’t seem to have the book listed and my LGS won’t get getting any in stock.
The stores I’ve seen with it up for pre-order are advetising it with the mini.
Thanks. I’ll keep looking for it. I’d rather a guaranteed pre-order than waiting for it to sell out on the Infinity site.
Funny thing is, I never really paid attention to it before now. Looking at some of the minis… they are quite nice.
I’ve just ordered one. I don’t think for a moment that I’m a proficient enough painter to be able to make the most of tutorials at such a high level but I would love to be proved wrong! Nothing ventured eh!
I’ll absolutely be buying a copy.
Thanks for the heads up, just ordered a copy
Just ordered a copy? How? Where?
I wonder what volume 2 will be?
I will likely get this
and I think it’s a great concept for a book
but there’s a small part of me that acknowledges that Angel is a talented genius – he paints circles around so many – it’s like a Michelangelo book on how to sculpt… which tickles me a little 🙂
This will be the go-to book for helping to teach painting for many years.
Need this book although I’m a little dubious about ordering from Wayland.
I pre-ordered N3 from Wayland. It got sent out a day later than some other stores were sending it but they upgraded the shipping to priority courier for free to make up for the printing delay.
Do they not have the best reputation then? This is the first thing I’ve ordered from them.
I’m only going off what I’ve read on BoW about Wayland and to be fare its only been two or three threads over the years but its been enough for me to be as I say “dubious”, having said that you don’t hear from the 1000’s of people that get their stuff on time do you, so…….
I avoided using them until they installed live stock levels on their website a couple of years ago. Before then you were taking pot luck as to whether they had what you were ordering. I hear occasionally of people ordering an item that is showing as in stock and it not being, but I’ve ever experienced that. Most of the issues arise from their practice of marking items as “Available” when it means they have to order it in. It catches people out who think available means they have it. Their communication also used to be poor but they installed… Read more »
I think Wayland had a hard time with the Infinity Icestorm box, because demand ended up being so great, that Wayland weren’t given the stock (they were promised?) in the first place, which in turn led to delays.
I think, in general though, you are fine if you order from Wayland. If you are looking for alternatives in the UK, then you can try Element Gaming (they are incredibly quick as getting stuff to you), although in the case of pre-ordering this book, it looks like you’re out of luck as it looks to be unavailable (from Element Gaming).
Well I’ve bitten the bullet redben and Wayland have my money.
Was waiting a long time for this! glad to see it here.
Pre-ordered from Warstore, the postage to Australia was worth not missing out in my opinion
yep did the same thing mate.
annnnnnd ordered. I’ve got a lot of Infinity and Relic Knights to paint in the coming months this will be the perfect companion guide.
This is an absolute ‘Must Have’ for anyone who takes their painting remotely seriously.
I’ve been super hyped for this ever since the book was announced, as someone that isn’t able to freely attend seminars across the world due to finances and work this book is a god send.
Hopefully and knowing angel if this book is half as detailed as his painting, and given his personality from what I’ve seen you can almost guarantee a meticulous level of detail in what this book will show.
The model is also nice. I didn’t even know that it came with it. An added bonus.
Thanks for the heads up guys. Got mine pre ordered. Now for the hard part..
Anyone know how long we will be waiting?, its been five min’s and I’m already getting inpatient;)
I ordered from wayland and they say 1st march. They tend to be pretty accurate with pre-orders, operation icestorm aside and that was largely out of their hands.
Thanks but thats like a month away, oh well I’ll forget all about it and it will be a pleasant surprise when it turns up;)
haha I love it when that happens
That is a superb looking mini!
Definitely going to order this … not sure if I have to wait till Monday as others say they’ve ordered from Wayland. I’m in the US, does anyone know of a domestic (US) distributor that’s taking pre-orders?
I pre-ordered via The War Store. First time ordering from them, but I couldn’t find any other US seller (including my usuals) that carried the book.
Thanks! I looked at WarStore (twice now) and cannot locate. I can wait a few more days, but it seems strange that the warstore had it at some point but no longer. Maybe they maxxed out their preorders…
Anyway, I appreciate the help!
Third time was a charm!
No it wasn’t …. no longer available. 🙁
At least I now know why I couldn’t find it.
I ordered this from Wayland the other day. The only other thing i’ve ever ordered from them was a pre-order for Icestorm.
This book should be worth buying in it’s own right, but the Joan of Arc figure is the icing on the cake. It’s fecking gorgeous, and just what my PanO needs. 😀
I ordered it from Wayland the other day but the order has been canceled with no email saying so.
So might be worth checking the statues
Did they say why the order was cancelled? Currently mine is still showing as active.
I didn’t get anything from them just looked on my account by chance and it has been cancelled :/
Ordered! Have been so looking forward to this becoming available, now just need to get my hands on this book.
Promise I am not mindlessly hitting ‘refresh; on the Corvus Belli webstore right now…