Fight in Early WWII as Battlegroup Blitzkrieg Heads for its Salute Release

March 18, 2015 by dracs

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Plastic Soldier Company have announced that Battlegroup Blitzkrieg, the latest supplement for the Battlegroup series of WWII 15-20mm scale gaming rules, is at the printers and looks to be on time for its Salute release date.

Battlegroup Blitzkrieg

Battlegroup Blitzkrieg focuses on the first two years of WWII and includes rules for recreating Luftwaffe air superiority, France’s command chaos, and the German Panzermarsch. It also includes nine new army lists, including the Polish army of 1939 and the German Panzer divisions, and nine new scenarios to help you recreate the battles across Poland, Belgium and France.

From my admittedly brief experience with historical gaming, it has struck me that there isn't that much of a focus upon the early years of the war. This latest supplement, which is currently available for pre-order, provides a gateway through which to explore the conflicts of this particularly brutal period as the world came to realise that it was entering another world war.

Are you planning to pick up a copy at Salute, or have you already placed  pre-order? What period of WWII most interests you?

"This latest supplement provides a gateway to explore the conflicts of this particularly brutal period."

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