Don’t look Grim About Pulp City’s Grimmbiote

April 24, 2014 by dracs

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Pulp City have finished off their fantastic Grimm models with the Spartan Grimm and the Grimmbiote having just emerged from under the streets.


Spartan Grimm

Both these models look great, capturing the fun and frantic style that the concept art promised.

The rest of the Pulp City models are currently getting a lick of paint, ready to show off for their final releases. Here we see the Coven's own Papa Zombie decked out in painted finery.

Papa Zombie

The Pulp City Kickstarter unlocked some interesting model designs and characters, so I for one am looking forward to how they all look when they are sculpted up and painted. More importantly I am looking forward to how they will appear once placed on the table.

Will you side with the heroes, villains, or Grimm of Pulp City?

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