The Mighty Khodynka Soars Into View For Dystopian Wars

March 27, 2024 by brennon

Some massive new ships are going to be coming to the world of Dystopian Wars from Warcradle Studios in the month of April. Previews are now up for the Khodynka Battlefleet Set and the Ergun Battlefleet Set that will be joining the fighting soon.

Khodynka Battlefleet Set - Dystopian Wars

Khodynka Battlefleet Set // Dystopian Wars

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The Khodynka Battlefleet Set joins the forces of the Commonwealth with some pretty impressive weaponry to its name. Designed as an absolute beast of a machine, able to keep rumbling on despite taking heavy damage, you're going to be closing the distance with this particular Battlefleet and churning your way through enemy vessels.

Khodynka Class Heavy Skycannon - Dystopian Wars

Konostoga Class Heavy Skycannon // Dystopian Wars

There are options within the set for you to make the vessel as the Konostoga Class Heavy Skycannon which effectively turns this ship into a floating cannon. If you prefer to get up close and personal then you can opt for the Krasnaya Class Heavy Skydrill. As you might have guessed, this is quite good at twisting its way through armour with ease.

Khodynka Class Heavy Skydrill - Dystopian Wars

Krasnaya Class Heavy Skydrill // Dystopian Wars

The full set allows you to build all of the options above plus the Khodynka but you've also got the Irkutsk Skycruiser (may also be built as Saransk or Tunguska Class) and the Giyena Shockwave Hovercraft (may also be built as Yak Class). There are also the four Escort Hovercraft which will be able to fend off most smaller foes whilst the big guns get into place.

Ergun Battlefleet Set

If you're battling alongside the forces of the Empire then you might want to pick up the Ergun Battlefleet Set instead.

Ergun Battlefleet Set - Dystopian Wars

Ergun Battlefleet Set // Dystopian Wars

If you're looking to assault your enemies on land then you might want a decent ship that is able to get you there whilst also providing you with some covering fire. That's where the Ergun comes in. There are options within the set allowing you to make the ship as the Assault variant...

Ergun Class Assault Battleship - Dystopian Wars

Ergun Class Assault Battleship // Dystopian Wars

...or the Strike option instead. They come with a variety of different weapon options and the Heilong is going to make sure you feel all toasty and warm when you come up against it. I love that fierce prow and I think you could have some fun working on different weathering and burn effects on the weapons.

Ergun Class Strike Battleship - Dystopian Wars

Heilong Class Strike Battleship // Dystopian Wars

This set comes with the Ergun Assault Battleship which can also be built as the Heilong (as you can see above) but you also get the Diyu Immolation Cruisers (may also be built as Yaoji, Mekong, Wuhan, Lantau or Qiang Class), Hexie Hover Zebeks and some SRS Landing Troops for good measure. A solid set for those wanting to expand their Empire arsenal.

Union Aerial Squadron

Last but not least, we have another Squadron box for the Union which comes with some flying reinforcements for you to consider.

Union Aerial Squadrons - Dystopian Wars

Union Aerial Squadrons // Dystopian Wars

This set comes with two Republic Cloudraker Airships (may also be built as Constellation, Ticonderoga, Steward or Ranger Class) alongside the Bogota Carryall Rotor and the SRS Tokens you will need for your games.

All of these miniatures will be available for pre-order soon, offering up some fun new ways for you to take to the battlefield in Dystopian Wars.

Will you be picking up these new miniatures?

Disclosure: OnTableTop and its companies are part of the group of companies owned and operated by Wayland Games Ltd since 12/10/2020

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