Oathsworn Tease New Map Campaign For Burrows & Badgers

March 3, 2022 by brennon

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Oathsworn Miniatures has dropped another little teaser of what's coming up for Burrows & Badgers. Work is finishing on the next wave of Kickstarter miniatures and that means attention turns to a new map-based campaign book.

The Dillendorf Agreement Teaser - Oathsworn Miniatures

The Dillendorf Agreement Teaser // Oathsworn Miniatures

A map-based campaign has been one of the wishlist options for Oathsworn and the community for a while. The Dillendorf Agreement looks to be shaping up quite nicely though with plenty of new artwork, fluff and lore for the world of Burrow & Badgers and accessories.

Burrows & Badgers is by its very nature a campaign game. So, it seems a natural fit to expand this to turn it into a map-based experience for you and a group of friends. Not only will you be able to chart the changing fortunes of your warband but also how that changes things on a larger scale too!

More rules are also on the way for Necromancers, Witch-Hunters, Wildlings and the Arcane Circles/Conclaves. So, there is a lot in the pipeline for Burrows & Badgers fans.

Are you going to be checking out this campaign when it arrives?

"...there is a lot in the pipeline for Burrows & Badgers fans"

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