Pumpkin Bombs Go Flying In FFG’s Marvel Champions

August 9, 2019 by brennon

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Fantasy Flight Games has been showing off the first of their scenario packs for Marvel Champions: The Card Game. Pumpkin bombs are going to be flying around as one of Spider-Man's foes, The Green Goblin, joins the fray soon after release.

Green Goblin Scenario Pack - FFG

This new scenario pack will introduce two new scenarios into the mix for Marvel Champions which have you dealing with not just Norman Osborn but also his insidious alter-ego known as Green Goblin. You'll also find four modular encounter sets which can then be mixed in with the scenarios to help customise the scenario even more. This should add another layer of replayability to the set right away.

Green Goblin Scenario Pack Spread - FFG

The dynamics of the first scenario are fascinating as you have to strike at Norman Osborn and his business, to begin with, trying to take down his schemes and stop him from pushing his hostile takeover forward. You must force him to take on his Green Goblin alter-ego if you are going to be able to strike him down for good. You only have a small window to do so however as his state of madness only lasts for a short time before he returns to being Norman Osborn.

As well as the scenarios there are the additional encounter sets which help build up the kit for Green Goblin including his glider and the famous pumpkin bombs. He can deal a lot of damage and with his regenerative healing capability, you'll need to focus on taking him down quickly.

Will you be snapping this up?

"This new scenario pack will introduce two new scenarios into the mix for Marvel Champions..."

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