Puppets War Helmet Up & Send In The Wraiths

March 2, 2019 by brennon

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The folks at Puppets War have shown off a few new additions to their bitz collection this week. One such addition is that of the Hooded Crusader Helmets which will be great for all of your Sci-Fi Knights.

Hooded Crusader Heads - Puppets War

As you can see the helmets work really well alongside the existing range from Puppets War but as they are scaled to 28mm they will work with your Primaris and regular Space Marines as well. I love the idea of properly hooded and cowled warriors like those of the Dark Angels and Black Templars. Warrior monks are certainly my thing.

In addition to those helmets and hoods, we also have these dark and dangerous looking Wraith Heads.

Wraith Helmets - Puppets War

This puts me in mind of cybernetic assassins and killers from the Adeptus Mechanicus. I like the idea of them being added to some Imperial Guardsmen actually. Imagine if you wanted to create an eerie and almost elite black ops squads for the game using these as masks rather than fully on cybernetic heads?

What do you think of the new offerings?

"Imagine if you wanted to create an eerie and almost elite black ops squads for the game using these as masks rather than fully on cybernetic heads?"

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