Show Your Gaming Spirit With Adepticon’s First Ever Cosplay Contest

December 26, 2016 by deltagamegirl22

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Adepticon has teamed up with Badger Airbrush and Eagle Ordinary to host Adepticon's first ever Cosplay Contest at Adepticon 2017! That's right- now you can add to the fun of the con by sporting your gaming spirit in your favorite costume.

Adepticon Cosplay

On top of just being plain fun, joining the cosplay could win you fame, glory and prizes! Categories will include:

  • Best Single Costume
  • Best Group Costume
  • Best Prop
  • Sway The Masses- I love this one! Audience will vote by applause.
  • Blood, Sweat & Tears- Judges will award cosplayers that have obviously put a great deal of time and effort into their costume.
  • Best Whiteshield- Cosplay for those 16 and under

I cannot wait to see what folks bring to the con this year. I have to believe Star Wars will be represented well, especially with the Hoth X-Wing Open. There's nothing better than watching people ask to take pictures with cosplayers at cons.

Just another great aspect to include all sorts of gamers in a truly great show.

How do you feel about Cosplay at conventions?

"On top of just being plain fun, joining the cosplay could win you fame, glory and prizes!"

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