Warcradle Tease Something BIG Coming To Dystopian Wars Soon

September 5, 2022 by brennon

The team at Warcradle Studios has been teasing something big coming to the world of Dystopian Wars soon. The first glimpse of a brand new 1/1200 scale miniature popped up on social media a few days ago as it was being painted up by one of the studio folks!

Painting Teaser - Dystopian Wars

Painting Teaser // Dystopian Wars

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It didn't take long for the comments on Facebook to work out that this is a pretty awesome airship of some kind. Now you just need to work out in the comments below which faction this belongs to (shouldn't be hard!) and how you'd approach painting it.

We got a pretty decent look at what's coming in the form of a new Wallpaper Download from Warcradle Studios too. Want to have a peek at what else might be coming down the pipeline?

Sturginium Skies Art - Dystopian Wars

Art Teaser // Dystopian Wars

It seems like the skies aren't going to be safe anymore when it comes to working out the tactics for your naval battles in Dystopian Wars. Keep an eye out for more teasers and additional reveals over the coming weeks from Warcradle and right here OnTableTop too.

What are you most excited to see?

Disclosure: OnTableTop and its companies are part of the group of companies owned and operated by Wayland Games Ltd since 12/10/2020.

"It seems like the skies aren't going to be safe anymore when it comes to working out the tactics for your naval battles in Dystopian Wars..."

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