Westfalia Tease Upcoming Project With Gary Chalk

May 30, 2018 by brennon

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Thanks to @avernos for this one. A teaser popped up on the Westfalia Miniatures Facebook Page for a project involving them and the rather excellent illustrator, Gary Chalk.

Gary Chalk + Westfalia Miniatures

Gary Chalk is famous for illustrating a lot of different worlds including Lone Wolf and the new Burrows & Badgers to name two. He has also worked in the past with the likes of Rackham and Games Workshop, showing off an awesome art style that is packed with character.

So, when a great illustrator joins forces with a great miniature company we should be in for some awesome models. I'm hoping we get a good range of Fantasy characters for us to use in our skirmish and role-playing games. Who knows, maybe a little Lone Wolf too...

Feral Elves

The Elves are still being worked on to as the team at Westfalia showed off this WiP for a mounted warrior.

Feral Elves WiP - Westfalia Miniatures

Again, the models are looking great and I love the idea of wild elves compared to those that have become all prim and proper inside their glittering towers. An awesome looking rider AND horse.

Will you be keeping an eye out for more on this unfolding project?

"So, when a great illustrator joins forces with a great miniature company we should be in for some awesome models..."

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