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Underhive Settlement and Raatz’ Nest Saloon

Underhive Settlement and Raatz’ Nest Saloon

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Printed Vinyl Game Mat

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 7
Printed Vinyl Game Mat

I stitched together a file in photoshop from scanned images of the underhive tiles to make a 4×4 game mat file and had it printed from an online sign printing shop. This acts as the base of my Necromunda board. This is a very cheap alternative to buying a mat. Many times there are deals for half price printing and free shipping on these sites and I believe it ended up costing me about $20 USD.

Not sure if I am supposed to do this but since I can’t figure out how to put the file here to download I will link to where I originally posted it×4-necromunda-game-mat.864/

Hope this is useful to some of you

This is the mat with some terrain so you can see it’s effect This is the mat with some terrain so you can see it’s effect

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davehawestemplar5836doctorether Recent comment authors
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Yes please. I need that file!

Cult of Games Member

Very nice tiles, brilliant effect.

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