Tiny Epic Stonehenge
Day 2
And so onwards with some paint. A coat of 50/50 watered down Vallejo Earth over the sand and stones. Once dry this is swiftly followed by a light drybrush of Vallejo Bonewhite.
I have decided to go back to flock for general basing having been a static grass only chap for some number of years. I will add static tufts once the general flocking is done.
Firstly I mixed up some flock. I like a variety of colours in the mixture as I’m too lazy to do a number of different layers and build up colour density that way. Therefore I went to the local railway model shop and came home with a haul of Woodland Scenics flock and an empty canister shaker. I then mixed half a big bag of Earth Blend Blended Turf with half a small bag of Fine Turf Burnt Grass and a fifth of a small bag of Fine Turf Weeds.
I looked at the model and decided the stones needed a lift. I decided on a dry brush with my usual stone colours of Vallejo Cold Grey and Vallejo Stonewall Grey over that. Once this was done I covered about three quarters of the base with thinned PVA glue leaving some random pathces to represent bare earth and then scattered a liberal coating of the flock mix over the top.
Then some static tufts to finish off. I’ve selected some Tajima1 mixed size tufts in Battlefield Mix and Moss, alongside some purple flowers from miniNatur.
We are done. I’ll probably seal it with a few squirts of Testor’s Clear Coat tomorrow once the glue has gone off properly.
I’m very happy with the final effect. I’ve included a nice druid (Veran who is Wargames Illustrated’s current show special miniature) for scale. I had fun making this and I hope you enjoyed this Project. Thanks for rating and commenting.
Looking the business. I am very impressed. Can’t wait to see it after the clear coat)It looks great now however. Thank you for sharing.
(Note: Originally I was going to have the first line of this comment read “Who the %^%$ builds a Stonehenge?” in reference to this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbyzgeee2mg Then I realised that if you didn’t know the song that would be very offensive…. so I didn’t post it ….. But if you were aware of the song … Well, That was my feeble attempt at wit 😀 )
I’ve not seen that one before and it is very funny. At least I know why this particular Stonehenge was built – to play games with. Maybe that is the reason they built the first one? Who konws?
I literally just checked the comments to see if someone had already linked this video or not 🙂