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Avicenna Paints Guild Ball Busts

Avicenna Paints Guild Ball Busts

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And now Piper is complete

Tutoring 1
Skill 5
Idea 2
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I continued round the figure painting in all of the leather using a similar technique to my video lower down this thread. As there was so much leather on this model, I changed up the browns I used to try and give the feel of different leathers used for different parts of his clothing.

And now Piper is complete

I spent quite some time trying to decide what colour I should paint his rats and in the end plumped for a bit of a ying and yang feel and painted one black and the other white. I was pleased with the contrast they added to the browns and blues of the rest of the paint-job.

I have also gone for a copper flute, again to add another point of interest to the model.

Here are a few other views of Piper – Comments most welcome!

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