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Avicenna Paints Guild Ball Busts

Avicenna Paints Guild Ball Busts

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The final chapter

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 3

The last of these 4 busts is Angel and Salt – a ‘double’ bust really as you might argue that Salt (the otter) is as important as Angel to the Fisherman’s Guild!

Angel and Salt with their zenithal primerAngel and Salt with their zenithal primer

In all of the pictures I’ve seen online Salt has been a white otter, but he doesn’t have pink eyes so I didn’t want to do him as an albino (plus I wanted him to look different to the albino rat on Piper’s shoulder). I decided to google ‘white otter’ and got a couple of interesting photos.

Otters are normally a dark brown/black colour and it appears that white otters are a very pale browny-grey. The fact that this adds a good bit of interest to the model sold me on the idea of trying to reproduce this colour scheme.

Here is my attempt

The final chapter

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Avicennadavehawes Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Fantastic project! Interesting to see the research and ideas process as well being brought to life.

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