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Avicenna Paints Guild Ball Busts

Avicenna Paints Guild Ball Busts

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Last but by no means least

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 1
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Well, this is the last post for this project as I have now finished all 4 of this first lot of busts and wanted to share her (them) with you.

My last update was Salt in all of his white-otter goodness, and now I have finished Angel to go alongside him.

Last but by no means least

I really wanted her skin to be quite different to Brisket yet still smooth and feminine. To achieve this, I ended up mixing yellow ochre with P3 Sanguine base and a load of ivory. Using completely different colours helped make sure the base tone was different from the outset, even though the shadows and highlights were the same.

One thing that took a crazy amount of effort was the non metallic gold beads in her hair… ouch! they are beautifully detailed but NMM really made it tricky for me! I’ll be chalking that up to experience 😛 Looks good though 😉

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