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Legio Mortis  - Adeptus Titanicus

Legio Mortis - Adeptus Titanicus

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I smell like glue.

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5
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So, I started this a week ago. I haven’t bought any Games Workshop kit for well over a decade but I couldn’t pass up Adeptus Titanicus. Now that the prices have been jacked up 95% in a week’s timeframe I remember why I haven’t been a fan. Oh well, I was able to get a bunch before Warlord prices went from 110 to 215.

It appears I gave myself an unnecessary  heart attack by being on NZ pricing. Still expensive though 🙂

I haven’t been painting a great deal in the past year either. Just a few random fantasy miniatures for myself and friends. But here it is. Firstly, Assembly.

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