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Amon Hen: Middle Earth SBG Terrain.

Amon Hen: Middle Earth SBG Terrain.

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The....the Eagles are Coming!

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 3
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The....the Eagles are Coming!

Since I am still waiting for my test print to be finished. I spent some more time working on Amon Hen. This time the focus was on getting the eagles that safe guarded a possible Palantir finished.

The pedestal between the eagles has a bowl like indentation. So you could place an object like a Palantir (glass Marble) there.

I am going to print this peice seperate. So I can switch it out with the wooden pyre. A little bit of poster putty should help keep it from moving to much.

Sculpting the Eagles was a bit of a task. I’ll share what I did to make them in a later post.

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